Open Collective
Open Collective

Reimagining Food Collective

Fiscal Host: All For Climate

Conduct rigorous, evidence-based journalism and socially-engaged research/arts projects


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€5 EUR / month
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€100 EUR / month
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Our contributors 2

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The Agri-Food Journalism Network is a collective of researchers, journalists, artists and campaigners working towards a more sustainable food system. In the face of the worsening climate crisis, the security and sustainability of our food systems have never been more important. But the public knows little about the impacts of our global food supply chains - many area associated with significant detrimental effects on social-ecological systems. These systems are already struggling under changing climates. We conduct investigations and explorations of these impacts, working collaboratively to identify little-known problems and viable solutions to a transformed, sustainable food system.

Find out more our team:

Dr Neal Haddaway is a photojournalist and environmental researcher with over 20 years' experience working in evidence production and use in policy making. His research often focuses on farming and climate topics. Since 2022, he has worked as a photojournalist, having completed an MA in photojournalism and documentary photography at the University of the Arts London. Find out more about his work here: and

Our team