Rabbit Hole Studios Culinary Mushroom Guild
working together on a community mushroom grow house that advocates for the many uses of mycelium and educates the community on how to grow them for food and medicine
Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
Top financial contributors
Brenton Brown
$50 USD since Mar 2022
Rabbit Hole Studios Culinary Mushroom Guild is all of us
Our contributors 3
Thank you for supporting Rabbit Hole Studios Culinary Mushroom Guild.
Transparent and open finances.
Credit from Brenton Brown to Rabbit Hole Studios Culinary Mushroom Guild •
Contribution #528828
Today’s balance$57.50 USD
Total income
$57.50 USD
Total disbursed
--.-- USD
Estimated annual budget
--.-- USD
Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from Rabbit Hole Studios Culinary Mushroom Guild
Updates on our activities and progress.
Thus far, with contributions from the community, we have already tapped into the budget to seal the mushroom house with spray foam, and have purchased gallons of paint to spray the interior. We already have lighting and shelves ready. We al...
Published on March 26, 2022 by Victoria Austin
Start Up!
We are so excited to finally have our space available for our Mushroom Grow House Co-Op. At the moment, we are reaching out to see if anyone wants to be a part of this project. By contributing in this community investment, you will receive...
Published on March 23, 2022 by Victoria Austin
We are so excited to finally have our space available for our Mushroom Grow House Co-Op. At the moment, we are reaching out to see if anyone wants to be a part of this project. By contributing in this community investment, you will receive yield based upon the time and money that you input. We use a spreadsheet template called a grunt fund. We have already used this method for our garden collective! We have been so passionate to discover the tools and resources to find a system that is equitable in a community collaboration, and we are so excited to implement this discovery in new co-creations. It feels so revolutionary to come together as one unit to transition more into a life of harmony and to support each other's dreams. It is truly humbling to see what we can do when we come together.
I went ahead and did some research on the items we need to seal and paint the inside of the grow house and to start growing. We will need the tools before we get into our work, so I want to see if anyone is interested in investing into the equipment that is needed. I’ve listed below links, as well as, our amazon wish list. Once we have everything gathered, we will open up to labor opportunities!
We are also looking for any artists who would be interested in painting a mushroom mural on the outside! This could be an opportunity to invest in this project, or could be a chance to receive compensation from an investor.
We are receiving submissions to our collective grow house name as well. Let us know if you have any good ideas!
This is not a for-profit business. Members who contribute will receive yield in the form of culinary mushrooms.
If you would like to be a part of this project please reach out
Victoria Austin
Our team
Victoria Austin
Nicholas Brad...