Open Collective
Open Collective
Loading (aka Rochester Enable Limited)

Host fee: 7%

A fiscal sponsorship and distributed governance platform for and


Become a financial contributor.

Financial Contributions

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Connected Collectives

Connected Collective
The e-NABLE Fund
A collectively-governed fund for the e-NABLE community, administered by Rochester e-NABLE Limited

Latest activity by

+ 93
Connected Collective
Guala - Manos en Acción
Provide functional and customized prosthetic devices produced with digital manufacturing tools.

Latest activity by

Connected Collective
Rochester e-NABLE Lab
Creating and supporting high tech high touch changemakers in Rochester NY.

Latest activity by

+ 2 (aka Rochester Enable Limited) is all of us

Our contributors 5

Thank you for supporting (aka Rochester Enable Limited).



Transparent and open finances.

Added funds #710032
Added funds #710030
Today’s balance

-$32,225.56 USD

Total income

$178,111.56 USD

Total disbursed

$210,337.12 USD

Estimated annual budget

--.-- USD


 This is the page for the fiscal host of the e-Nable Fund and the EcoRestoration Alliance.
 We,, a 501c3 and New York State non-profit, are the fiscal host so any donations will be tax deductible in the United States.

All donations made to our collectives are also subject to a 7% host fee. This is to help with the administration of the collectives.

Donations made via this website are also subject to Stripe's processing fee.
For larger donations, we can accept bank transfers or checks to reduce fees.

Feel free to write to Jon Schull [email protected], e.g., to discuss larger donations (greater than, say, $1000).  In that case, a check or wire transfer will avoid credit card processing fees.   We can also send invoices.  And flowers ;-)

Feedback is welcome. Email Jschull @ .

Please direct your donations to the the EnableFund or the EcoRestoration Alliance.

Our team