Roundtrip IFC annotation: FreeCAD and BlenderBIM
Part of: OSArch - Open Source in AEC
Fiscal Host: Open Source Collective
Roundtrip IFC annotation between FreeCAD and BlenderBIM, and hopefully others.
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Financial Contributions
Roundtrip IFC annotation: FreeCAD and BlenderBIM is all of us
Our contributors 4
Thank you for supporting Roundtrip IFC annotation: FreeCAD and BlenderBIM.
Project Description:
This project will help fund the burgeoning IFC standard to roundtrip 2d annotation between FreeCAD and BlenderBIM, and hopefully other BIM platforms in the future. Yorik van Havre, one of the main developers behind the FreeCAD’s BIM workbench, outlined the intent in this Github issue.
This project will help fund the burgeoning IFC standard to roundtrip 2d annotation between FreeCAD and BlenderBIM, and hopefully other BIM platforms in the future. Yorik van Havre, one of the main developers behind the FreeCAD’s BIM workbench, outlined the intent in this Github issue.
General Note about Projects:
Anyone familiar with software development knows that it's sometimes hard to determine when exactly the project is complete. Even when the scope is clearly defined, quite often there's a sense that more can be done to refine the project. This is unavoidable, so in that light, to be fair to both the funders and solution providers, the steering committee will act as the arbiter to determine when the project is done and when the funds should be distributed. When it's 'done' will also be a factor of how much the funding is relative to how involved the scope is. That is say, if a very small amount of funding is provided, for a solution that would require a lot more funding, the steering committee can allocate funds for partial solutions, as well.
Please note, if no one provides a solution to the project with a year (365days), the funds dedicated to this project will be transferred over to OSarch's general funding. The OSArch steering committee will then allocate the funding to other projects.
Transparent and open finances.
Contribution #764967
Credit from emiliotasso to Roundtrip IFC annotation: FreeCAD and BlenderBIM •
Contribution #752523
Support for roundtripping annotations in FreeCAD - November 2023
Maintenance and Development
-$17.12 USD
Today’s balance$12.77 USD
Total raised
$30.43 USD
Total disbursed
$17.66 USD
Estimated annual budget
$15.00 USD