Open Collective
Open Collective

Sahana Software Foundation

Host fee: 0%

We design, develop and deploy open source tools and techniques for humanitarian aid and disaster management.


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Financial Contributions

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Connected Collectives

Connected Collective
Sahana EDEN
EDEN is a popular open-source info management system for disaster and humanitarian aid management.

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Connected Collective
Sahana Research and Action
humanitarian FOSS innovations - tackling disaster and emergency communication challenges

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Connected Collective
Crisis Cleanup

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Connected Collective
Sahana Operations Project
The Sahana Operations Team performs executive functions and keeps the SSF running smoothly.

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Sahana Software Foundation is all of us

Our contributors 2

Thank you for supporting Sahana Software Foundation.



Transparent and open finances.

Empty jars

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Today’s balance

-$0.29 USD

Total income

$0.03 USD

Total disbursed

$0.32 USD

Estimated annual budget

--.-- USD


The Sahana Software Foundation is dedicated to the mission of saving lives by providing information management solutions that enable organizations and communities to better prepare for and respond to disasters. We develop free and open source software and provide services that help solve concrete problems and bring efficiency to disaster response coordination between governments, aid organizations, civil society and the victims themselves.

Our team