Open Collective
Open Collective
Update 04/04/2020 - COVID-19 Response
Published on May 4, 2020 by Jon Nix

We continue to provide support and assistance to the community in the face of COVID-19 / Coronavirus.

We run a very tight ship in terms of the volunteers and the requests for help - this system allows requests for help to be made easily and allows us to track responses to the requests in an efficient manner. The majority of our work is directed at the elderly, the vulnerable and those quarantined or self-isolating with the principle needs being prescription collections, shopping and other day-to-day activities which are made difficult for certain members of the community at the moment.

We continue to grow as a group and we are busy thinking of new ways in which we can help. Our strength is being "on the ground" at street level and being able to respond at that level to identify those things which we can respond actively, safely and positively towards.