Shane Friedman
Transparent and open finances.
-$473.79 USD
-$251.69 USD
↑ Total contributed
--.-- USD
↓ Total received with expenses
$725.48 USD
In 2024, my long-time colleague, Morgan Cohn, and I started Handle with Care Collective. Since then, I've been working with fantastic companies like Dskrpt, Cochrane, and SetGarden.
In the past, I've been lucky enough to work on MegsRadio.fm (see MegsRadio is Dead, Long Live MegsRadio for some more info), Amazon Music, and YouTube Music. Most recently, I was the tech lead for the Oak, the New York Times' collaborative rich text editor, since January, 2020. You can learn more about Oak in the excellent blog post my teammates wrote for Times Open. Recently I've focused mostly on fullstack web technologies, like Typescript, React, Redux, ProseMirror, and Next.js. I enjoy working with product managers, UX/UI designers, and clients to make useful and beautiful products that solve real problems in elegant ways.
In the past, I've been lucky enough to work on MegsRadio.fm (see MegsRadio is Dead, Long Live MegsRadio for some more info), Amazon Music, and YouTube Music. Most recently, I was the tech lead for the Oak, the New York Times' collaborative rich text editor, since January, 2020. You can learn more about Oak in the excellent blog post my teammates wrote for Times Open. Recently I've focused mostly on fullstack web technologies, like Typescript, React, Redux, ProseMirror, and Next.js. I enjoy working with product managers, UX/UI designers, and clients to make useful and beautiful products that solve real problems in elegant ways.
Sometimes I give talks and write blog posts; you can find them at smoores.dev.