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Open Collective

Sky Diving Penguins



Sky Diving Penguins: A brief history

Let’s start in the present. Gia Iashvili (Yash-vee-li), or Sky Diving Penguins, as he is otherwise known, released their debut album 'Sky Diving Penguins' on 1 December 2021. A beautiful bucolic tapestry that doffs a cap to the likes of The Beatles, Elliot Smith Low, Ween & Nirvana, this has been twenty years in the making. But why? 

Back in the early part of this millennium, Sky Diving Penguins were being feted by much of the music press (NME, Kerrang, Melody Maker) following the release of their first EP. Mainstream airplay followed (Radio 1’s Mark & Lard). In fact, things were so good, that V2 were supposedly about to sign Sky Diving Penguins. Until…well, nobody quite knows what happened next. 

One rumour has it that Gia had a moment of clarity. Whilst waiting for V2 to give the thumbs up, Gia, a sometime Hayao Miyazaki devotee, decamped to Japan, whereupon he set about learning cinematography. Unfortunately, whilst practising Kyudo one day, an errant arrow struck his left ear leaving him deaf in that particular ear.

After a lengthy convalescence, Gia went to the Mount Fuji Five Lakes region to set up home as a hermit in a cave. Over eight years later, and after grappling with swans whenever he chose to bathe, Gia reemerged from his self-imposed exile, and headed to the Georgian Embassy in Tokyo before making his way home.

After that, Gia built up Sky Diving Penguins’ Georgian fanbase, performed with Z for Zulu, co-wrote the 2016 Georgian Eurovision entry for Young Georgian Lolitaz, and has been the subject of a short film, “Better than dog”.

Sky Diving Penguins: The Here And Now

Returning with their first single in 20 years in September 2021, Sky Diving Penguins hit the ground running. 6Music Fresh On The Net moderator, Neil March, wrote, "Moreover it is a clever, enjoyable and heartwarming slice of sophisticated Pop".

'About One Hermit' followed 'I Don't Want, I Don't Care' as the next release, before Sky Diving Penguins finally released their self-titled debut album on 1 December 2021. Garnering a number of positive reviews (eg. Louder than War), this album is available to download or buy as limited edition CD (please see below) from our website or via Bandcamp
We may have been waiting for Sky Diving Penguin’s debut for 20 years but it’s worth the wait. Released a little to late to make it into the end of years ‘best albums’ lists, it would thoroughly deserve a place at the table.
With no disrespect to anyone past present or indeed future, Gia Iashvili, the genius behind Sky Diving Penguins, has unequivocally presented us with the album of the year.
'About One Hermit' followed 'I Don't Want, I Don't Care' as the next release, before Sky Diving Penguins finally released their self-titled debut album on 1 December 2021. Garnering a number of positive reviews (eg. Louder than War), this album is available to download or buy as limited edition CD (please see below) from our website or via Bandcamp
Sky Diving Penguins is marvelous, and such a delightful listen that made it a joy to review. Gia Iashvili and company have crafted a really brilliant album, and I for one am happy he came out of exile and gifted us with his wonderful music.

Sky Diving Penguins: The Future

On 16 July 2022, as part of the Indie Musicians Collective, Sky Diving Penguins will be taking their art to the music loving public at the Independent Label Market. We hope to meet, greet and introduce our music to an audience that we cannot reach beyond what we have online.

Beyond this date, we plan on releasing 'Sky Diving Penguins' on vinyl in the late summer (2022), and recording new material for our sophomore album.

For more Sky Diving Penguins, please see visit our linktree

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