Open Collective
Open Collective


Updates on our activities and progress.

Most recent
Hello fellow Software Makers! o/ There was quite a lot of activity this last couple of months, so I'll list the main highlights below. If you're interested, please read on - and do feel free to leave comments, etc. If you're looking for the...
May-June update
Published on July 4, 2024 by Yorgos Saslis
tl;dr · Creating a new non-profit organization is quite a bit of work, it seems ... 😅 Here are the main milestones during the past couple of months: We held our first ever elections! You can find the detailed records...
Software Makers is a new non-profit, volunteer-driven, organization (the precise Greek legal entity is "Σωματείο" / "Σύλλογος") that was founded in April 2024, by a group of 20+ individuals involved in making software. Some founding members...
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