Open Collective
Open Collective

Solidarity Economy Association

We're a worker-led cooperative based in England, Scotland & Wales working to overcome capitalism by building up the solidarity economy from below 🌱🌎


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Financial Contributions

Recurring contribution
Peasant in revolt (1381)

Join the team of supporters sustaining our work and get our eternal gratitude, plus updates on our new and upcoming projects and merch designs.

£2 GBP / month

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Recurring contribution
Leveller (1647)

All the above, plus a credit at the end of every video, and we'll send you high res versions of our latest posters and stickers for you to print at... Read more

£4.50 GBP / month

Latest activity by

Recurring contribution
Digger (1649)

All of the above, as well as exclusive early access to our new projects. We’ll also send you a poster and a collection of stickers.

£8.50 GBP / month

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Recurring contribution
Hero of the Commons

Get access to all the above, plus a copy of our book The Solidarity Economy: A Graphic Guide, along with a collection of posters.

£17 GBP / month

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Recurring contribution
Venture Anticapitalist

All of the above but also get a “for a world without bosses” T-shirt

£24 GBP / month

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Recurring contribution
Robin Hood

Support us to keep all of our work publicly available for people who can't afford to pay, and help further our various projects. You’ll get access ... Read more

£45 GBP / month

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Top financial contributors


£27 GBP since Oct 2024


£14 GBP since Sep 2024


£10 GBP since Oct 2024

Solidarity Economy Association is all of us

Our contributors 6

Thank you for supporting Solidarity Economy Association.






Leveller (1647)

£27 GBP


peasant in revolt (1381)

£14 GBP


peasant in revolt (1381)

£10 GBP


Transparent and open finances.

View all transactions
Contribution #802121
Contribution #797126
Contribution #791816
Today’s balance

£297.12 GBP

Total income

£396.12 GBP

Total disbursed

£99.00 GBP

Estimated annual budget

£77.00 GBP


We’re the Solidarity Economy Association, a small, worker-led co-operative based in England, Scotland and Wales, working to overcome capitalism by building up the solidarity economy from below.

As a worker-led co-operative we take decisions and share the workload together without a managerial structure. We aim to value everyone’s voice and to work in a way which is democratic and based on care and respect for each other and the other people, groups and movements we work with.

As an organisation we have existed since 2015, but incorporated with the name Solidarity Economy Association in 2017. We’re a not-for-profit organisation, meaning our aim is not to make money and we do not accumulate wealth.

With the understanding that the solidarity economy is not a ‘new’ economy, we identify weaknesses in the existing solidarity economy and build partnerships to address them, aiming to build capacity, amplify voices and weave relationships, in particular between work being done on the ground by those facing the worst effects of the current system.

Our activities range from building and growing networks, to designing and running education workshops and online resources, to coordinating international solidarity activity, to supporting the development of new infrastructure, such as co-operatives, to support the solidarity economy. Read more about our projects.

As a co-op, we also see ourselves as part of the ‘co-operative movement’. We see co-ops as one form of vehicle that can help re-centre social relations at the core of the economy and have been studying the history and current practice of co-operative development, both through research and experience. However, we understand co-ops to be only one aspect of a broad and diverse solidarity economy, which includes innumerable forms of mutual aid and solidarity at local, regional, national and transnational levels.

We are currently in the process of developing a more ambitious long term strategy and restructuring our non-worker membership roles, so stay tuned for updates and follow us on social media.

Our team



