South East Tennessee Mutual Aid Network: A Year In Review 2023 - 2024
Published on December 31, 2023 by Skye Lunny
Thank you to our wonderful community for donating their time at the monthly events, helping moderate the Cleveland, TN Mutual Aid Network facebook group, stocking the Open Community Pantries/Fridge, delivering groceries, Holiday Meal Kits, & so much more!
We couldn't do it without the community's support, so thank you to each person who donated funds, items, and/or time to help provide food & other basic necessities to the community! We couldn't do it without each person's assistance! So whether you've donated your time, a single item, and/or a whole trunk of items, THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts! 🖤
Thanks to our wonderful community, this year in 2023 we were able to:
▪️ Collect OVER $2000 to provide families with food & other basic necessities through the Open Community Pantries/Fridge, Grocery Deliveries, & monthly Free Pop-Up Shop events
▪️ Provide & deliver 16 Holiday Meal Kits
▪️ Provide & deliver 19 Grocery Deliveries
▪️ Provide OVER 360 families with clothes, shoes, household items, food & other basic necessities at the monthly events
▪️ Build & deploy 2 new Open Community Pantries (in Cleveland, Tennessee)
▪️ Obtain & deploy 1 Open Community Fridge (the first in Cleveland, Tennessee)
Not counting for the thousands of mutual aid requests that were met in the Cleveland, TN Mutual Aid Network facebook group.
With the community's continued help & support in 2024, we hope to:
▪️ Continue to provide families with food & other basic necessities through the Open Community Pantries/Fridge, & monthly Free Pop-Up Shop events
▪️ Provide over 30 Holiday Meal Kits
▪️ Create a Mutual Aid facebook group for:
- Athens
- Chattanooga
▪️ Locate a free space for a permanent Free Store in Cleveland
▪️ Start a newsletter to keep everyone up to date on the monthly events, raffles, giveaways, & more!
▪️ Revive the Grocery Delivery Program
▪️ Build & deploy more Open Community Pantries/Fridges in surrounding cities
▪️ Create a quarterly event for volunteers & donors
▪️ Partner with local businesses to fill the Open Community Pantries/Fridge
You can help your community in 2024 by:
▪️ Donating a $1 (or more, if possible) per month to the $SETNMutualAidNetwork CashApp
▪️ Stocking the Open Community Pantries/Fridge
▪️ Bringing items to the monthly Free Pop-Up Shop events
▪️ Volunteering your time
- At the monthly Free Pop-Up Shop events
- Checking in on Open Community Pantries
- Moderating the Cleveland, TN Mutual Aid Network facebook group, or a future mutual aid group in your city (Athens or Chattanooga)
- With the Grocery Delivery Program
▪️ Scheduling a donation pickup with the Free Expression Closet
Remember, no one person can do it all! But every single individual has the power to make a difference!
This will be our last update on the Open Collective as we will be closing our account. You can continue to make monetary donations through our CashApp $SETNMutualAidNetwork
Thank you for your understanding.
If you have any questions not answered in this post, or on the page, please feel free to reach out to us in the following methods:
Facebook Messenger: South East Tennessee Mutual Aid Network
Email: [email protected]