All Our Relations Hardship Fund
Part of: Sovereign Bodies Institute
An economic hardship fund dedicated to support eligible Indigenous survivors of violence and MMIP families.

Transparent and open finances.
-$837.32 USD
-$500.00 USD
-$1,000.00 USD
Today’s balance--.-- USD
Total raised
$16,793.46 USD
Total disbursed
$16,793.46 USD
Estimated annual budget
--.-- USD


All Our Relations Hardship Fund Policy and Guidelines
“Linked by sweetgrass, there is reciprocity between you, linked by sweetgrass the holder as vital as the braider.”
- Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass
I. Guiding Values
Within Indigenous communities across Turtle Island, the sacred practice of gift giving has unique significance. Gift giving honors the receiver, as well as their family, community and ancestors. It is as much an honor to give a gift, as it is to receive, and this practice is a symbol of shared knowledge, understanding, and healing. The All Our Relations Hardship Fund is established upon the collective spirit of our Peoples and on our shared responsibility to uplift and honor one another, especially those in need. SBI exists in reciprocity with the Indigenous Survivors of Violence and Families of Missing and Murdered Indigenous People (MMIP) we serve, and honors our link to all of creation, in the same way the sweetgrass holder is linked to the braider.
II. What is the purpose of the fund?
The All Our Relations Hardship Fund is a limited financial fund, made available by application to eligible Indigenous Survivors of Violence and Families of MMIP who are facing financial difficulties due to emergency circumstances or grave socio-economic hardship. The funds are granted as a benevolent gift, and repayment is not expected.
III. Who can be Helped?
The hardship fund is available to Indigenous Survivors of Violence who have experienced violence in the past 30 days. Funds are also available to the immediate family members of MMIP, who are actively seeking justice, leading search efforts, or facing financial hardship related to burial ceremonies. Special consideration will be given to those immediate family members who are caring for the children or elders of MMIWG2S.
These funds are designed for Indigenous survivors and immediate MMIP family members who are experiencing emergency or severe socio-economic needs. This includes, but is not limited to, victimization by crime, death in the family, income loss, hardship due to Chronic Illness or medical needs, houselessness, and emergency or distressed situations.
SBI recognizes domestic violence, intimate partner violence, sexual assault, stalking, trafficking, police brutality, homophobia, transphobia, displacement due to the forms of violence listed here and hate crime as covered under the term “Violence”.
Eligibility is established through intake with SBI Support Services Advocates, who can assist applicants in navigating the application process. Hardship assistance will be provided to any SBI Support Services participant, who meets the requirements outlined in this policy.
SBI offers additional Healing Support Services to interested applicants who have historical experiences of violence, who may not qualify for the hardship fund. For those who do not meet eligibility requirements, there will be an attempt to connect with resources local to applicants.
SBI or OCF staff are not eligible for the hardship fund.
IV. Selection Committee
The Selection Committee consists of the Support Services, Director as chair, and at least one (1) Support Services Advocate or SBI Staff Member, upon the guiding principles described above. The oversight of the Selection Committee and the management of the hardship fund fall within the duties of the SBI Support Services Director, or alternate where applicable.
The objective of this policy is to set forth the responsibilities of the Selection Committee and the guidelines for the carrying out of their responsibilities. It is not intended to cover all circumstances in which funds may be approved, adjusted or denied. The Selection Committee has the ultimate responsibility and accountability of the All Our Relations Hardship Fund and the stewardship of the money held therein.
The Selection Committee shall determine who will receive disbursements from the hardship fund in what amount and for what duration.
SBI maintains full authority to make changes to this policy as needed.
V. Confidentiality
The members of the Selection Committee will uphold extreme confidentiality when dealing with the personal information and disclosures of those in need of support. All matters relating to the review of sensitive information contained in applications and selection of applicants are private and confidential. However, SBI staff are mandated reporters and are required to report suspected abuse of a vulnerable adult or child and disclosures of intent to harm oneself or others, and emergencies, in which an applicant is believed to be in imminent danger or death to the appropriate Tribal, First Nation, State, Provincial and Federal authorities and agencies.
VI. Conflict of Interest
Selection Committee members agree to disclose any prior existing relationships with an applicant, especially those that may result in a biased review of applications. The selection committee member also agrees to recuse themselves from the decision-making process for that specific applicant. This allows for an unbiased and equitable application process.
VII. Selection Process
- Obtain an All Our Relations Hardship Fund Application via SBI Support Services Advocates who can be reached at (707) 335-6263 or through meeting with a program advocate. Complete the application and provide a copy to an advocate. Applications missing supporting documents will be considered incomplete.
- Eligible Support Services participants must seek hardship support for themselves and cannot send other participants in their place. Except, in the case of those needing reasonable accommodations or assistance.
- Participants are encouraged to seek assistance from their advocate in completing their application.
- Participants can be awarded financial assistance once per a six (6) month term. Extended support may be awarded in circumstances where greater need is identified, such as chronic illness or extensive medical needs. This extended support will not exceed a 3-month period or $1000.
- Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis and will be reviewed once per week during the regular business hours of 9am MST-5pm MST. These meetings will occur on Monday of each working week, and in the case a Monday falls on a recognized holiday where SBI is closed, the committee will meet the following business day.
- The committee will review each application, with a commitment to equal opportunity for protected identities such as women, children, elders, and 2S/Indigiqueer identities. After the information is reviewed, and an applicant is selected, the applicant will be contacted within two (2) business days of selection. During the review of applications additional information may be requested. Failure to provide requested information will result in an incomplete application and will not be selected.
- Applicants must have explored all possibilities of assistance from family, friends, and relevant resources prior to applying to the hardship fund.
- Each applicant’s request is reviewed by the Selection Committee, during this review the “need” of the applicant will be verified, and the amount of assistance will be determined. No funds will be issued on the same day the request is submitted.
- Selected applicants are required to comply with all directions from the Selection Committee members or they will forfeit their opportunity for assistance. Where possible the committee will directly pay the vendor(s) on behalf of the applicant. Checks or cash made payable directly to the applicant will only be made in extenuating circumstances, in which there is no access to a vendor or service.
VIII. Hardship Need Categories
The All Our Relations Hardship Fund is to meet your family’s needs and can include:
- Emergency financial assistance for basic needs (especially housing, food and clothing)
- Emergency relocation due to imminent danger of violence
- 1-3 nights for transit hotel stays
- Utilities, excluding home phone, wifi or cable bills
- One-time provision of a prepaid cell phone and/or minutes for immediate safety needs
- Costs for healing services or treatments
- Costs associated with Ceremony
- Costs for medical needs or transport
- Missing person’s search efforts
- Funeral/Burial ceremony costs for Missing or Murdered Indigenous Relatives
- Headstone Purchase
Needs that may NOT be met by the hardship fund, include but are not limited to:
- Car Payments, repairs or insurance
- Long-term hotel stays (more than 3 nights)
- School expenses, business investments, or anything that generates profit for the applicant
- Paying off credit card debt
- Monthly cell phone service costs for extended periods of time
- Legal Fees
- Penalties related to late payments or irresponsible actions
IX. Disbursement of Funds
The All Our Relations Hardship Fund is intended to be a source of dire need, to be used when the program participant has exhausted all means to meet the need or secure assistance. The hardship fund is intended to be a temporary help during a time of emergency or crisis.
Assistance from the hardship fund is intended to be a one-time gift, that does not exceed $1000. In unusual circumstances, the Selection Committee may decide to help more than once per six (6) month term. Under no circumstance is a gift from the hardship fund to be considered a loan. No gift may be repaid, either in part or in full, in money or in labor.
Those requesting assistance must be willing to give the Selection Committee permission to follow-up on any information provided during the application process.
Those receiving assistance also have the option of continued advocacy support from SBI’s Support Services team. This support can include systems navigation and advocacy, organization support for vigils and memorials, referrals to therapists and healthcare providers, referrals for emergency or transitional housing, custom design work for awareness campaigns, emotional support, assistance in pushing cases forward, and assistance in locating healing opportunities and resources.
X. Donations and grants to this fund
Donations and grants to this fund are not to be earmarked for a specific person or people. Donations to SBI can be made online or via check.
To contribute to an Collective via check, please follow the following procedure:
- Make the check out to Open Collective Foundation.
- Put the name of the Collective you would like to support in the memo line.
- Mail the check to the following address:
Open Collective Foundation 501(c)(3)
340 S. Lemon Avenue #3717
Walnut, CA 91789
- Name & Email address of contributor (whether an individual or organization)
- Email address to send receipt
- Mailing address of contributor
- Name of Intended Collective
- Amount
- Contribution method (e.g. Paypal, bank transfer)
- Purpose of check (e.g. Grant payment, Initial balance transfer, donation)
Our team

All Our Relations Hardship Fund is all of us
Our contributors 8
Thank you for supporting All Our Relations Hardship Fund.
Sovereign Bod...
$16,000 USD
$338 USD
Amy Boyajian
$200 USD
Juan Avila
$150 USD
$100 USD
$50 USD
$20 USD
$8 USD