Open Collective
Open Collective

Become a contributor

These are all the ways you can help make our community sustainable.

Custom contribution
Make a custom one-time or recurring contribution.

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Recurring contribution

Every little bit helps! Your teaspoon of support keeps our directory accessible to all patients.

Starts at
$5 USD / month

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Recurring contribution
Soup Spoon

A perfect amount for those with limited spoons who still want to contribute to the community.

Starts at
$15 USD / month

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Recurring contribution

Your tablespoon of support helps us improve search functionality and resource quality.

Starts at
$25 USD / month

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Recurring contribution
Serving Spoon

Help us serve more patients with improved directory features and resources.

Starts at
$50 USD / month

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Recurring contribution

Your generous support helps us expand our reach to underserved patient communities, cover the cost of monthly API costs, and add additional features.

Starts at
$75 USD / month

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Recurring contribution
Serving Set

Become a sustaining supporter of our mission to connect patients with vital comprehensive resources globally.

Starts at
$100 USD / month

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