Prototyping a blueprint for community liberation in Hanford California
Estimated Annual Budget
Today's Balance
Prototyping Community Liberat...

Ssussdriad is a living framework for communities to become self-sufficient, a blueprint for sovereignty and self-organization which can be replicated or adjusted according to a community's needs.
This plan introduces a strategy for community sense-making, for organizing around, and addressing the many facets of our collapsing civilization, in order to collectively plan and build a collaborative, equitable, joyful, and free world.
This is a plan for world peace. And it takes root in Hanford California.
I am trying to raise $30,000 to get this project moving.
Finances will be transparent, and there will be frequent conversations with the community regarding the allocation of funds.
This is the fund for initializing this endeavor.
- Rent on the building for 5 months
- Turning on Electricity
- Internet
- Plumbing
- help cleaning the insane amount of sheet-rock dust
- Advertising
- Seed funding for some initial revenue generation.
The goal here is to get the building to where we can partially open and offer healthy meal prep services, coffee, merch, and start broadcasting the Finding Hanford weekly show, covering local news, events, politics, and culture. Soon, we'll bring back the art hop as a multi-camera live reality-show. We'll begin on-boarding local business in the online marketplace, and then launch the home shopping show.
I will be seeking advertising agreements in the coming weeks for commercial space, and segments in the weekly show.
It's through these cumulative efforts we will begin prototyping this plan, with the help of this community, and generate funds to build out our kitchen, our stage, and our future.
When we are reliably generating revenue, and adequately cover our monthly expenses, remaining funds will be reallocated to other productions. And these decisions will be made transparently, and the conversation around spending will be open to all.
The goal here is to get open, and underway, and save enough to open this project up to community investment.
Thank you.

Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
Support the following initiatives from Ssussdriad.
Basic needs
Top financial contributors
$75 USD since Feb 2023
Ssussdriad is all of us
Our contributors 2
Thank you for supporting Ssussdriad.

Transparent and open finances.
Credit from test to Ssussdriad •
Contribution #621915
Credit from test to Ssussdriad •
Contribution #621915
Credit from test to Ssussdriad •
Contribution #621915
Today’s balance$65.25 USD
Total income
$65.25 USD
Total disbursed
--.-- USD
Estimated annual budget
$36.00 USD

Let’s get the ball rolling!