Tania has been archived.

An open source farm management software.

Tania is all of us
Our contributors 8
Thank you for supporting Tania.
Asep Bagja Pr...
Retno Ika Saf...
Didiet Noor
Kornél Fülöp
$200 USD
Emmanuel Udo...
$80 USD
Riversweeps S...
$25 USD

Transparent and open finances.
--.-- USD
$269.94 USD
$269.94 USD
--.-- USD

Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from Tania
Updates on our activities and progress.
A Development Update in 2019
Hacktoberfest with Tania
We Open Official Tania Swag Store

Tania is a free and open-source farm management software. We write Tania in Go language so that you can deploy it on the cloud server environment, on your PC, or on the small embedded Linux devices such as Raspberry Pi and Beaglebone.
You can read the roadmap of Tania on its Github Wiki.
Initially, Tania is a project by Tanibox. BUT, we aim to legally register Tania as a not-for-profit organisation and separate it from our for-profit organisation. Why should you care? It means that no one owns a share of monetary value in the project. We are building Tania because we are in the mission to make the smart farming technique affordable for farmers and growers all over the world.
We are inspired by other organisations and non-profits:
- Mozilla Foundation, making the web and email more accessible and built on open standards.
- WordPress Foundation, democratise publishing through Open Source, GPL software.
- Raspberry Pi Foundation, to put the power of computing and digital making into the hands of people all over the world.