The Laundromat
The Laundromat is a small open concept studio and performance space in Queens. Holding space in a previously vacant storefront, nothing here is for sale.

Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
The Laundromat is hosting the following events.
Past event
12:00 AM UTC
Top financial contributors
$50 USD since Aug 2024
Kenzie King
$20 USD since Aug 2024
The Laundromat is all of us
Our contributors 3
Thank you for supporting The Laundromat.

Transparent and open finances.
Credit from Kenzie King to The Laundromat •
Contribution #785335
Credit from Guest to The Laundromat •
Contribution #785198
Today’s balance$67.25 USD
Total income
$67.25 USD
Total disbursed
--.-- USD
Estimated annual budget
$70.00 USD

Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from The Laundromat
Updates on our activities and progress.
STARFRUIT @ the Laundromat November 11!
More Eaze + Kaho MatsuiToso TosoPorcelain Vivisection
Published on November 1, 2023 by Sampson Hollander-Wyatt

In 2019, Sampson Dahl inherited the Laundromat from two performance artists who desired to move on from the space. Having a vested interest in opening a store with no commercial focus, he moved into the back room and began the experiment by opening the door. Over the pandemic, the neighborhood in Maspeth, Queens began using the space to take their afternoon lunches, take shelter from the rain, or entertain a small group of friends. Meanwhile, Sampson used the space to record music and paint. Many others would come to stay for a day, a week, and even sometimes months. The neighborhood accepted the Laundromat as a freeform space, and the open door policy was given legs. The sidewalk was dressed with flower pots, tables, and chairs, and, by fall of 2020, a community fridge was delivered by a local nonprofit. Now, almost five years since it's inception, performances take place almost every weekend. Passers-by and friends alike are encouraged to come take solace all days of the week and a variety of instruments, art supplies, and food are available for free. This dream is not possible without the acceptance and support of others. This space is not a business model that seeks to grow. It only seeks to sustain.
Our team
Sampson Holla...