Open Collective
Open Collective

File Upload Plugins for TiddlyWiki

Part of: TiddlyWiki
Fiscal Host: Fission

Develop file upload plugins for Tiddlywiki


Let’s get the ball rolling!

News from File Upload Plugins for TiddlyWiki

Updates on our activities and progress.

FileUploads and associated plugins available via plugin library

The FileUploads and associated plugins are available via the SQPL plugin library. You will also find here experimental plugin...
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Published on October 14, 2021 by Saq Imtiaz

Beta release available

A beta release is available from Saq's Github Please post feedback to the File Uploads c...
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Published on August 17, 2021 by Boris Mann


Become a financial contributor.

Financial Contributions

Webnative Plugin Backer

Support the initial development of a webnative plugin for image, pdf, and other file uploads. The plugin stores uploads in your webnative file syst... Read more

$1,008.70 USD of $1,000 USD raised (101%)

Starts at
$25 USD

Latest activity by

+ 1
NodeJS Plugin Backer

Support the file upload for a NodeJS backend.

$237.75 USD of $1,000 USD raised (24%)

Starts at
$25 USD

Latest activity by

+ 3
GitHub Plugin Backer

Support the file upload for a GitHub backend.

$71.56 USD of $1,000 USD raised (7%)

Starts at
$25 USD

Latest activity by

One-time contribution
Company Sponsorship

If you are a company, consider sponsoring a file plugin type directly. Your name, logo, and website will be prominently displayed, and you'll help ... Read more

Starts at
$500 USD

Latest activity by

Be the first one to contribute!

File Upload Plugins for TiddlyWiki is all of us

Our contributors 13

Thank you for supporting File Upload Plugins for TiddlyWiki.

Boris Mann

Webnative Plugin Backer

$847 USD

Jack Baty

NodeJS Plugin Backer

$43 USD

Soren Bjornstad

NodeJS Plugin Backer

$43 USD

Abraham Samma

Webnative Plugin Backer

$42 USD

Seeing the capabilities in the recent demo of t...

Jonas Passerini

NodeJS Plugin Backer

$41 USD


NodeJS Plugin Backer

$24 USD

Sebastián Ortega

NodeJS Plugin Backer

$22 USD

E Springer

GitHub Plugin Backer

$22 USD


GitHub Plugin Backer

$22 USD

Álvaro Tejero...

NodeJS Plugin Backer

$21 USD


Webnative Plugin Backer

$21 USD


Webnative Plugin Backer

$21 USD


Support the initial development of a plugin for image, pdf, and other file uploads.

This will be developed in the core Github repo for TiddlyWiki, and the goal is to have it as an officially supported core plugin. Saq Imtiaz has agreed to be the lead developer for the project.

The initial features include:
- create a new tiddler for each file
- link the file using a canonical URI
- resize images to create smaller thumbnails

The saver / backends to be supported will be prioritized based on feedback, contributions, and sponsorship. The initial backend is funded and this will be built. We will update as we get commitments for other backends:
  • Webnative IPFS Upload Plugin: files are uploaded and stored in IPFS with Fission's webnative framework (funded by Boris)
As a backer, your feedback, use cases, and feature suggestions are prioritized. Your name and web link will be included in the README and other communications around the plugin.

Are you a company? Contribute $500 or higher and get prominent placement of your logo and links. Contribute $1000 to fully fund a backend.

For more information, join the discussion on the forum »


Transparent and open finances.

Contribution #710906
Contribution #515033
Contribution #482156
Today’s balance

$301.73 USD

Total raised

$1,301.73 USD

Total disbursed

$1,000.00 USD

Estimated annual budget

--.-- USD