TOES Coffee Pot (Rodborough)
Fiscal Host: Stroud District Community Hubs
Coffee Pot is a Community Cafe in the heart of Rodborough. We are based at the Old Endowed School on Walkley Hill and we provide a friendly meeting place for local people. We hold a Warm Space from 10am — 3.30pm every Wednesday
Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
TOES Coffee Pot (Rodborough) is all of us
Our contributors 4
Thank you for supporting TOES Coffee Pot (Rodborough).
Transparent and open finances.
Contribution #812713
-£205.78 GBP
Invoice #196482
Contribution #734863
Today’s balance£250.00 GBP
Total raised
£670.28 GBP
Total disbursed
£420.28 GBP
Estimated annual budget
£450.00 GBP