Open Collective
Open Collective

Lily Stender


Total amount contributed

$964.29 USD



Transparent and open finances.

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Contribution #669115
Platform tip #669115
↑ Total contributed

$964.29 USD

↓ Total received with expenses

$3,713.27 USD


Tolaga Bay Innovation is a social enterprise supporting indigenous entrepreneurship.  Our reason to join the EHF Fellowship, was to connect with global changemakers and sow the seeds of innovation in Tairawhiti, Eastcoast, New Zealand.  
We are the first region in the world to see the sun.  
We bring on a new day, everyday.  
We are tangata whenua (people of the land)
We have the perfect place, people and seeds to grow and nurture, to solve the problems of the world from New Zealand as an incubation nation. 
Let us work together, share our expertise, connections and resources to develop solutions for the world.