transform'action: Adopt a tree has been archived.
transform'action: Adopt a tree
We create a food forest in our permaculture garden

We keep boosting biodiversity! In close collaboration with Plaisir Vert - Paysagiste, we bought bought 51 fruit trees to plant a food forest in the back of its garden and we want this project to be a collective and fun adventure! Planting trees is great, and strengthening human interactions and positive relation to nature is even better, isn’t it?
🌳1. Adopt a tree: what does it mean? Nobody owns any trees, the forest is shared and everybody can enjoy its benefits. However we want you to be able to create a bond with your favorite tree, we can show you how to take care of it and you can enjoy its fruits as much as you like.
There are 15 fruit trees and 36 fruit shrubs:
- trees are 58€ each
- shrubs are 44€ each.
Costs include an edible and appropriate vegetative cover (herbaceous, perennial plants and cover crops) to ensure that we deeply improve the soil and boost biodiversity.
The money collected will be put in a pot and managed collectively to support and allow more collective and sustainable projects like this one in the future (like introducing chickens, creating a pond and arrange new spaces).
To adopt a tree: you can donate directly for a tree or a shrub, and shoot us an email at [email protected] saying which one you prefer.
Here is the list of plants we offer and the quantity we have left:
🌱2. Plant the trees
Yay, you have adopted a tree/shrub, now you just need to plant it! Joins us on December 9 for a cool collective event!
You didn't adopt a tree but you still want to come and help us planting? Great, the more the merrier! You can come with your friends and family.
We need 10 motivated people minimum to plant all the trees and give life to the forest. So spread the word!
When : December 9, from 10am to 5pm(ish) Where: Avenue Jules Bordet 13 - 1140 Evere Register: if you plan on coming to help us planting the trees, please book a free ticket on Eventbrite, so that we know how many people will attend.
Do you want to join a collective, sustainable and citizens' gardening initiative? Here you go:
Spread the word! See you on December 9 :-)
Our team
Anis Bedda

Transparent and open finances.
--.-- EUR
€682.10 EUR
€682.10 EUR
--.-- EUR