Open Collective
Open Collective

Trauma Informed Collective


We create films that openly talk about different forms of trauma & how it affects people.


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£5 GBP / month

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Plymouth Octopus (POP)

£5,789.48 GBP since Jan 2023

Trauma Informed Collective is all of us

Our contributors 3

Thank you for supporting Trauma Informed Collective.


Transparent and open finances.

Today’s balance

£520.00 GBP

Total raised

£5,500.00 GBP

Total disbursed

£4,980.00 GBP

Estimated annual budget

--.-- GBP


This partnership wants to tackle the issue of trauma, what it is, the associated myths surrounding certain types of trauma and most importantly how do you get people to talk openly about their experiences.

We want to reach people from all walks of life to talk openly about their experiences. These people could be young people who have early developmental trauma to grown men who were sexually abused.
We want to take challenging subject matters and get people talking and listening to understand what happened to them. We see this as an opportunity for people to learn about how trauma effects the lives of those who have suffered from it. The sharing of these stories and experiences will lead to a greater understanding of people’s lives and their struggles.

We will do this by developing a series of engaging films that openly talk about different forms of trauma and how it affects people. We want to challenge myths that cause significant hurt to people and ultimately stop people from fulfilling their potential.

We believe this is important because, even in 2022, we still struggle with talking about people's trauma. We live in a society where we ask what is wrong with people, not what happened to people. We live in a world where if you break the rules at school you are seen as naughty and disruptive, while never attempting to look beyond these behavious, trying to understand what causes these outbursts. If you are male who was sexually abused you are not allowed to talk about it.

Through conversation and education this can be changed and people's lives can improve.

We see the power of film as a great way to achieve this.

Our team