Open Collective
Open Collective

tus - Resumable File Uploads

Developing open-source protocols and implementations for resumable file uploads.


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Financial Contributions

Recurring contribution

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Starts at
€2 EUR / month
Recurring contribution
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€25 EUR / month
Recurring contribution
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Join us for €100.00 per month and support us

Starts at
€100 EUR / month
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Gold sponsor

Join us for €500.00 per month and support us

€500 EUR / month
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tus - Resumable File Uploads is all of us

Our contributors 2

Thank you for supporting tus - Resumable File Uploads.


tus is a project developing protocols and implementations for resumable file uploads over HTTP.

Resumable uploads improve user experience over traditional file uplods by allowing the data transfer to recover from network interruptions. Overall the process becomes more resilient and seamless.

We work on open-source and free protocols and implementations for servers and clients so that developers can quickly add resumable uploads to their applications.

Our team