Open Collective
Open Collective

Ukrainian Children's Club


Provides after-schools clubs for Ukrainian children, bringing the community together to enjoy traditional arts and crafts, and peer support.

Today's Balance


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£5 GBP / month

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£10 GBP / month

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£25 GBP

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Support the following initiatives from Ukrainian Children's Club.

popularization of Ukrainian traditions of celebrating Christmas


Ukrainian Children's Club is hosting the following events.

Past event
03:00 PM-05:00 PM UTC
Making autumn crafts from natural materials
Past event
03:00 PM-05:00 PM UTC
Cooking a delicious and healthy fruit salad

Top financial contributors

Community Leadership in Motion

£1,000 GBP since Aug 2022

Ukrainian Children's Club is all of us

Our contributors 5

Thank you for supporting Ukrainian Children's Club.


Transparent and open finances.

-£128.79 GBP
-£25.39 GBP
-£61.27 GBP
Today’s balance

£683.44 GBP

Total raised

£1,000.00 GBP

Total disbursed

£316.56 GBP

Estimated annual budget

--.-- GBP


Let’s get the ball rolling!

News from Ukrainian Children's Club

Updates on our activities and progress.

Ukrainian national cuisine

Children had the opportunity to feel like real cooks and independently, but under the supervision of adults, to prepare salad Vinaigrette - this is a traditional Ukrainian autumn salad! It is very tasty and healthy!
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Published on October 3, 2022 by Olena Pakholchuck

Ukrainian traditional cuisine

Master class on modeling Ukrainian traditional dumplings!Vareniki are small pastries made from unleavened dough with a filling from berries, tvorog, cheese and other things. Vareniki are served boiled with sour cream, sugar and butter. Ingr...
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Published on October 3, 2022 by Olena Pakholchuck


It was important for us to create a safe and enjoyable space for Ukrainian children and families. 
We believe that every child should have the opportunity to express themselves through the arts and through group activities regardless of their circumstances. It is imperative that we greet Ukrainian children living in the UK who are learning to live in a new and unfamiliar environment. 
We strongly believe in the importance of forging new friendships and building confidence in each and every individual. We can achieve this by celebrating the best of Ukrainian heritage so that our culture and traditions can continue to be celebrated in a meaningful way. 
We, Helen and I are entirely dependent on charitable donations to allow the club to exist and as recently arrived guests ourselves, our goal is to make our club a sustainable and safe place to share our support and resources.
We thank you in advance for your consideration and any support you are able to offer.

Для нас було важливо створити безпечний і приємний простір для українських дітей і сімей.
Ми віримо, що кожна дитина повинна мати можливість виражати себе за допомогою мистецтва та групових занять незалежно від обставин. Вкрай важливо, щоб ми greet українських дітей, які живуть у Великій Британії та вчаться жити в новому та незнайомому середовищі.
Ми твердо віримо у важливість створення нових друзів і зміцнення впевненості в кожній людині. Ми можемо досягти цього, відзначаючи найкраще з української спадщини, щоб наша культура та традиції могли й надалі осмислено відзначатися.
Ми повністю залежимо від благодійних пожертвувань, щоб дозволити клубу існувати, і як нещодавно прибулі гості, наша мета полягає в тому, щоб зробити наш клуб стабільним і безпечним місцем, щоб ділитися нашою підтримкою та ресурсами.
Ми заздалегідь вдячні вам за вашу увагу та будь-яку підтримку, яку ви можете запропонувати.

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