Open Collective
Open Collective


YOLOv8 πŸš€ and HUB ⭐


🌟 Introduction:
Welcome to Ultralytics on Open Collective! We are the driving force behind some of the world’s leading artificial intelligence models, committed to revolutionizing AI technologies. Our GitHub repository showcases our passion and expertise in developing advanced solutions for AI tasks, including detection, segmentation, classification, tracking, and pose estimation.

πŸš€ Our Mission:
At Ultralytics, we strive to push the boundaries of AI, making it accessible and efficient for all. Our focus on open-source development ensures that our cutting-edge AI models are available to a global community, fostering innovation and collaboration.

πŸ’‘ Our Expertise:
Our AI models, available on our GitHub repository, are known for their speed, accuracy, and ease of use. We specialize in a wide range of AI tasks:

🀝 Community Engagement:
We firmly believe in the power of community. Contributions are the backbone of our progress, and we warmly welcome community contributions. Whether it’s through feature requests, bug reports, or collaborative development, your input is invaluable to us. Engage with us to refine and enhance AI technologies.

✨ Join Our Mission:
Be part of our journey to innovate and democratize AI technologies. Whether you're an AI enthusiast, a seasoned developer, or someone passionate about technology, your participation can make a significant difference. Explore our models, contribute to our projects, and help us steer the future of AI.

Together, let's transform the landscape of artificial intelligence!

Our team

Sergio Sanchez

Core Contributor

Glenn Jocher

Join us at Ultralytics on Open Collective as we...

Talia Bender

Core Contributor