Open Collective
Open Collective

Become a contributor

These are all the ways you can help make our community sustainable.

Recurring contribution
Biotics Appetizer Member

Supports (open source) development, server maintenance, editing and administration of ursuppe.

Starts at
kr 10 DKK / month

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Recurring contribution
Primordial Soup Member

Supports (open source) development, server maintenance, editing and administration of ursuppe.

Starts at
kr 50 DKK / month

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One-time contribution
Immaterial Soup Member

If you are in a situation where you are not able to support ursuppe financially become a member for a fee of 0 DKK. You are equally appreciated.

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Be the first one to contribute!
One-time contribution

Want to make a one time donation? Serve some probiotics for the soup to make us possible. Thank yoOoo0oO00u.

Starts at
kr 50 DKK

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