ursuppe partner newsletter #3
Published on February 6, 2025 by Anders Aarvik
Dear friend, partner and/or collaborator of ursuppe
The best way to support ursuppe is the use, creation and sharing of content at ursuppe.dk, that you own and we preserve in the service of the commons. We also encourage everyone to become a member/contributor on our Open Collective page. This is the place for more formal news, as well as donations. A financial contribution is not required to become a member, tho it is highly appreciated. Your mere subscription as a member/contributor is what means the most to show your support and can be one with the “Immaterial Soup Member” contribution. If you want to contribute to the future of ursuppe you can become a working member of the cooperative, please see the working groups.
Selected news
- Since last time there has definitely been most focus on the technical side of ursuppe. It is crucial for us in terms of inclusion to support multiple languages, to be truly a multilingual platform where all languages are welcomed. Although you should think this as a simple task, this has required no less than around 5600 manipulated lines of code. See more in next section.
- We have enrolled two new working members into our cooperative for designers, organisers and artist-editors. We are very grateful for that We are always open for more helping hands - feel free to reach out.
- Ssshhhh... We are slowly planning an ursuppe exhibition that examines art platforms and cultural production on the internet. A soft space not typically associated with software, challenging existing mechanisms within the art scene with an sculptural environment, coding workshops and talks... not from the top->down, but from down<->top.
Selected software news
- Multilingual: This is a huge step for us. At last we are multilingual and it is an important step for us in our path of inclusion to support different languages. Right now we have published danish translations, and you can choose between EN and DA in the header of ursuppe.dk.
- Mapping the eco-system: Because we are data-driven and already have the locations and names of many smaller exhibition spaces that are not necessarily on the map of any other place. Therefore we are working on different levels of mapping out the eco-system of the smaller and artist-run scene in Denmark.
- Containerized and new hosting: ursuppe has been hosted in nomadic manners, and therefore the application has recently become containerized. We started on a M900 TinyPC running inside of a medicine cabinet on the re-configured network of Funen Art Academy, then self-hosted on an OptiPlex in the home of one of the cooperative's member, now in a virtual machine at Hetzner. We are planning to migrate to southern funen to ukrudt.net.
- Optimised moble navigation
- Lowkey: Our coding event lowkey is being postponed due to illness, and we are now awaiting a new date from the municipality.
- internal tooling for notifications from new events. For you - this means we will be a bit faster at publishing your exhibitions.
- Pixelfed: waiting for the .social server to gain their import function back... then we will migrate from IG and cross-post for some time.
ursuppe is a public service for contemporary art in Denmark that amplifies and preserves events, archives and highlights, as well as providing a pinboard. Built on an artist-run, anti-authoritarian and FLOSS (Free/Libre Open Source Software) ethos, we are organized as a platform cooperative. The users, collaborators and partners create and own the content that makes up ursuppe, which we preserve in the service of the commons. Read more at ursuppe.dk.
If you received this email it means that we see you as our partner and collaborator. If you do not want to receive any emails in the future, please do not hesitate to ask us to remove you from our mailing list. This newsletter is sent out quarterly and contains wider news about our cooperative and platform.
If you received this email it means that we see you as our partner and collaborator. If you do not want to receive any emails in the future, please do not hesitate to ask us to remove you from our mailing list. This newsletter is sent out quarterly and contains wider news about our cooperative and platform.