Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
One-time contribution
🥯 Buy me lunch
During lunch I often write documentation or create graphics for Voightco products. Buying me lunch makes sure I have something to eat while doing t... Read more
€5 EUR
One-time contribution
📝 Pay a subscription
Most of my work relies on other people's products and subscriptions which I pay for. Notion is a life saver. With this donation you can over a mont... Read more
€10 EUR
Voightware is all of us
Our contributors 1
Thank you for supporting Voightware.

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Hello Friend. Hello Friend?
I'm Danny de Vries (@dandevri) an Indie Maker building digital products for the web and Lecturer web technology at Communication and Multimedia Design at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.
Voightware is my project (GitHub organization) where I build open-source starters, libraries and themes for replicants. Anythings that's web or software related.
Voightware is my project (GitHub organization) where I build open-source starters, libraries and themes for replicants. Anythings that's web or software related.
I am devoted to make technology (and coding) more human, fun and playful. I believe in making resources and products public and free (as in freedom, not free as in free frappuccinos) so people can build upon them.
The income from these donations give me the financial freedom to enjoy life more than ever before. I'm a company of one (not payed by an e-corp) partly funded by individuals like you. I don’t run ads nor do I do this for profit. A donation however would help me cover my running costs.
Don't give me anything if you can't miss it. Your attention and interest in my resources is worth more than any money. Simply being part of my work and sharing it is an valuable form of support
Thank you for supporting me 🙌
— Danny
Our team
Danny de Vries