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$10 USD since Mar 2022
Milos Vujinic
$10 USD since Mar 2022
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Credit from Milos Vujinic to Vue Formulate using a Gift Card from Strapi •
Contribution #527523
Today’s balance$9.00 USD
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$9.00 USD
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Vue Formulate updates
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Published on March 9, 2020 by Andrew Boyd
Vue Formulate is the easiest way to build forms using Vue. Key features include form and field validation, file uploads, form generation, single-element inputs that support labels, help text, error messages, placeholders and more, and comprehensive documentation for use within your own projects.The easiest way to build forms using Vue.
Vue Formulate lets you:
✓ Create any input element with a single component
✓ Use v-model binding on fields and entire forms
✓ Re-populate an entire form from a single object
✓ Generate a form using JSON
✓ Easily add field labels
✓ Easily add help text
✓ Easily add form validation
✓ Easily add custom validation rules
✓ Easily create custom validation messages
✓ Easily create custom inputs
✓ Use v-model binding on fields and entire forms
✓ Re-populate an entire form from a single object
✓ Generate a form using JSON
✓ Easily add field labels
✓ Easily add help text
✓ Easily add form validation
✓ Easily add custom validation rules
✓ Easily create custom validation messages
✓ Easily create custom inputs
There's a lot more available to read at the comprehensive documentation website.
v-model an entire form
Well-considered file uploads
v-model an entire form
Well-considered file uploads
How is Vue Formulate used?
The syntax is what developers would expect. To create an input you use the FormulateInput element and provide it with a few props:
<FormulateInput v-model="value" type="email" name="email" label="What is your email address" help="Where should we contact you?" validation="required|email" />
Collecting multiple FormulateInput elements within a single FormulateForm element (even deeply nested) allows you to v-model your entire form.
Comprehensive Documentation
There's a lot more available to read at the comprehensive documentation website.
Our team
Andrew Boyd
Justin Schroeder