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Open Collective

Waka Kapiti Holopuni sailing program


The programmed aims to support whanau by providing sailing skills and experiences a mana enhancing program to create a positive future for themselves, their whānau, hapū and iwi.


E nga mana e nga reo nei te mihi kia tatau katoa, kia ratau nga tupuna e hoe ana i te moana nui a kiwa nei te mihi, kia tatau nga kanohi o ratau e kore tatau e wareware, He kakano tatau i ruruiamai i Rangiatea 

Waka Kapiti Holopuni sailing Program is a 9am to 3pm over a 10 day unique culture sailing program engaging in Te Ao Māori (Māoridom) and connects the student to the ancestral hands on learning (mahi a nga Tupuna) to enhance te whare tapa rima;
Taha whenua and Moana (Connecting with the Environment)
Taha Wairua (Spiritual wellbeing)
Taha Tinana (Physical wellbeing)
Taha Hinengaro (Mental wellbeing)
Taha Whanau (Family Wellbeing)
while learning demonstrating and practice ocean safety, sailing skills, and gaining sailing experience and life skills, a safe fun and exiting way to submerging yourself in ancestral voyaging.
Learning Outcomes;
Karakia (incantation) 
knots & splicing
parts of the waka & hoe
safety and personal equipment
responsibilities of the kaihautu and kai hoe (skipper & paddlers)
paddle technique 
points of sailing 
weather and tides and so much more.

Our team

Today's Balance
per year



Waka Kapiti Holopuni sailing program is hosting the following events.

Past event
10:00 PM UTC
waka kapiti provided whanau who have been impacted by suicide a safe space to join us sailing out...Read more

Attended by

Waka Kapiti Holopuni sailing program is all of us

Our contributors 1

Thank you for supporting Waka Kapiti Holopuni sailing program.


Let’s get the ball rolling!

News from Waka Kapiti Holopuni sailing program

Updates on our activities and progress.

waka kapiti sailing against sucide

Waka kapiti provided a safe space for whanau that's been impacted by suicide to come have a cuppa tea kai and a korero learn and build whanau resilient, self heal as a whanau sailing on Tangaroa in between Kapiti island and...
Read more
Published on August 3, 2022 by Waka Kapiti Holopuni sailing program