Open Collective
Open Collective
Survival gear, tents, sleeping bags, socks, gloves, hats, clothing, food
Published on January 22, 2024 by Julian Reyes

Last week we worked with P.E.A.C.E Program and also with The Village, both Black-run non-profits and together we distributed much survival gear like tents, sleeping bags, socks, gloves, hats, clothing, dog bedding, dog food and food to the streets of East and South Austin's street residents.  We mobilized together to help people in the Freeze of 2024.  We served over 100 people on several dates.  It was cold but we got out there and did this real work. And we tried to inform people of the City's weather emergency shelters, although the locations were kept secret by the City.  We told people that the City had said the bus is free to the shelters.  The City says it texted people, they also used weather alerts on social media.  Most people on the streets in Austin didn't get notified however, many don't have phones or social media.  Some people have phones that are not charged or out of service.  Some only connect on wi-fi.

The EMS Command informed us on social media the following update on their Emergency work during the freeze:

"  Julian Reyes we went to 39 locations, revisited 29 of those locations to follow-up, flew our drone searching for folks on 10 flights (2.5 flight time), contacted 98 people, provided shelter information, blankets, warmers, socks, hats, gloves, and fire extinguishers, and arranged transport of 47 individuals to shelters. Along with all the other things we do daily. "

Well we served over 100 people and informed them of the shelters and the free bus fare.  
When the City/County governments and public safety funded agencies can only transport 47 out of 10,000-20,000 people forced without housing to suffer the freeze, the Government and it's agents have FAILED.

We will not be told the actual number of people that suffered frostbite, medical emergencies or even froze to death.  The Govt. likes to hide that information while they also pat themselves on the back.

We will continue to push these Public Safety workers and management to DO MORE HELP AND LESS HARM.  And we will continue to document and call for a stop to all harmful, non-voluntary displacement and theft of people and their emergency shelter in place camps by the APD, DPS, CoA, and TxDoT.  #StoptheSweeps

Keep watching, supporting and joining us.  Together we will do more to protect and support those living without assistance and permanent shelter (aka Homes).