Open Collective
Open Collective
We rocked 2023, now we will rock 2024 harder!
Published on January 3, 2024 by Julian Reyes

In 2023 Watchers Defense Collective (aka Watchers Group) started publishing police accountability information for the Public on Twitter and Facebook.  We covered several important stories. 

We also purchased 2 Insta360 cams to test on filming the police.  The fist 360 cam was not good in low light.  The newer one is the 1" edition with 2 x 1" sensors and picks up more light.  We are currently filed testing this technology and brand for it's effectiveness in police transparency and accountability work.   We publish to the youtube as Watchers Defense and Lizzardo Giganticus.  Go check out the new 360 videos there now. 

One story we covered was the Mike Ramos capitol murder trial of Christopher Taylor, bad cop that has murdered more than once and is facing multiple charges presently.  Taylor was acquitted with a hung jury but the D.A. Jose Garza says he's going to prosecute Taylor twice, for 2 murders, Maurice Desilva and Michael Ramos.  We will watch that too. Hopefully Justice is not as blind as they were to the officers' and witnesses for the defense and their perjuries under Oath.

We also covered the story of a woman that was killed by a police SUV driven by APD when they struck a woman's car while she was changing her tire on the side of the road.  APD cover-up included. APD still refuse our requests for the video from the dashcam.

Also we covered the SOHO Lounge/Bar shooting by multiple APD officers in December.  APD was to release their video yesterday.  We are still awaiting the transparency they promised.  APD also was in denial that they shot people and tried to blame the person that they killed.

And about December we started a new sub-project for the streets, OCF was not helpful in creating a separate project so we did it this way.  It was funded by the money for the streets that was left after Camp Support co-opted our Stop the Sweeps accounts (OCF, FB, X, etc).  About $1200 was trans-ferred over to this new project, Austin Street Works, and we started buying tents and then buying food to cook for the streets.  The majority of our work on the streets is to teach and enable people to exercise and know their rights.  And to prevent theft, displacement and abuse of people without permanent shelter that are being targeted by the City Council, the Homeless Division of the CIty, Public Works, Parks and Rec, Storm Water Management. contractors like Relief Enterprises, EPSI, and Resource Recovery and the dirty Austin Police Department.  As well as from DPS and their Contractors at Jorgenson and CG Environmental.  This is the independent work that we have been engaged in for over 8 years or so now.  And many on the streets see and know our work. And know our name.

Please support our work and always remember --- Film the Police!  You might just save a life, of someone you know, a stranger or you.