Invoice #222240 to WebdriverIO
WebdriverIO Contribution for September 2024
Invoice #222240
Maintenance and Development
Submitted by Christian Bromann•Approved by Wim Selles
Sep 30, 2024
Invoice items
Various maintenance activities around the WebdriverIO project in September 2024
$491.89 USD
Total amount $491.89 USD
Additional Information
payout method
Bank account
Comments are private.
You must be signed in as an admin or the expense submitter to read comments on an expense.
By Wim Selles
on Expense approved
By Sourav Das
on Expense updated
By Sourav Das
on Expense processing
By Sourav Das
on Expense paid
Expense Amount: $491.89
Payment Processor Fee (paid by WebdriverIO): $1.13
Net Amount for WebdriverIO: $493.02
Collective balance
Expense policies
Expense policies
We process expenses twice a week after an admin of the Collective has approved them. We make payments via PayPal and Bank Transfer (using Wise) and can only make payouts to countries served by these payment processors. You are not required to upload an invoice document (the data you submit in the expense form is sufficient), but if you would like to include an uploaded invoice, please make it out to:
Collective Name, Open Source Collective, 440 N. Barranca Avenue #3939, Covina, CA 91723, USA
Please refer to the documentation here for payment processing requirements on reimbursements and invoices.
If you would like a refund, please email with the transaction #, the collective you donated to, the date, and the amount of the transaction.
The goal with this collective is to sponsor development of the project as well community events. The following expense types may be eligible for reimbursement from this collective::
- Event Expenses:
If you host an event that has a speaker talking about using WebdriverIO and its features you can expense up to $100. Reimbursement requirements for event expenses include:- You or the event account must share the project on social media (Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn) at least 3x
- The event page must have the WebdriverIO logo and a link to the project page in your meetup description
- You must use the funds for qualified event expenses such as food, beverage, room or equipment rental.
- You must submit receipts with your reimbursement request.
- Development Expenses
If you have done development work on any of the repositories within the GitHub WebdriverIO organisation you may reimburse up to $1000 if the following requirements are met:- You must have submitted qualifying pull requests that have closed at least 10 issues that were labeled with “Expensable 💸”
- Every additional issue closed with that label can be expensed with $100
- You must submit links to all issues you’ve closed due to your pull requests
- In order to close the ticket automatically, you must have one commit message with the Fix keyword. For example, Fix #1234 to close ticket #1234.
- Pull Requests must be merged by someone from the core team. If there are several Pull Requests, the core team member either selects the most recent one or the best one - that’s up to them to decide what is best for the project.
- You must claim an “Expensable 💸” issue by commenting to the issue thread to ensure that no one else is working on the same issue.
- Anyone contributing to WebdriverIO is eligible to expense their work if the implemented features or bug fixes are not objectives of a commercial job.
- Travel Expenses
If you are a member of the Technical Steering Committee team you are eligible to expense flights and hotel accommodations for travel to conferences or meetups as part of a speaking engagement on WebdriverIO. You may expense up to $500. Reimbursement requirements for travel expenses include:- You must send out a post from your main social media account (e.g. Twitter, LinkedIn or personal blog) thanking all contributors of the collective after the event took place.
- You must use the funds for qualified travel expenses such as ground or air transportation to the event and hotel accomodations.
- You must submit receipts with your reimbursement request.
All expenses that meet the above requirements will be reviewed and processed by the collective administrators within 7 days of receiving the request.
How do I get paid from a Collective?
Submit an expense and provide your payment information.
How are expenses approved?
Collective admins are notified when an expense is submitted, and they can approve or reject it.
Is my private data made public?
No. Only the expense amount and description are public. Attachments, payment info, emails and addresses are only visible to you and the admins.
When will I get paid?
Payments are processed by the Collective's Fiscal Host, the organization that hold funds on their behalf. Many Fiscal Hosts pay expenses weekly, but each one is different.
Why do you need my legal name?
The display name is public and the legal name is private, appearing on receipts, invoices, and other official documentation used for tax and accounting purposes.
Collective balance
$6,123.71 USDFiscal Host:
Open Source Collective