Webwire is an asynchronous, high-performance, low-latency duplex messaging library for Go and JavaScript built on top of websockets

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Webwire is an asynchronous, high-performance, low-latency duplex messaging library for Go and JavaScript built on top of websockets and an open source binary message protocol. The library provides both a client and a server implementation for the Go programming language as well a an official JavaScript client implementation.
WebWire was built with the intent to make websockets easier to use to build modern realtime (web) applications as well as custom binary and textual communication protocols. It provides native support for the asynchronous request-reply topology (similar to HTTP/2), authentication & sessions, concurrency & thread-safety, graceful shutdown, automatic connection maintenance & session restoration, namespacing and many other useful features.
Our team
Roman Sharkov
Daniil Trishkin