Open Collective
Open Collective

Invoice #192880 to X3MG

Donation-moving to Massvis

Invoice #192880

Submitted by Kasimir Suter WinterApproved by Kasimir Suter Winter

Mar 13, 2024

Invoice items
Donation-moving to Massvis
Date: March 13, 2024
kr 5,250.00 SEK

Total amount kr 5,250.00 SEK

Additional Information


kr 5,250.00 SEK

payout method

Bank account
Type: IBAN
Account Holder: Massvis Förening


IBAN: SE3950000000053291079825

City: Umeå

Country: SE

Post Code: 905 81

First Line: c/o Innovation X Stöcke

Legal Type: BUSINESS

Expense created
Expense approved
Expense paid
Expense Amount: kr 5,250.00
Payment Processor Fee (paid by X3MG): kr 31.05
Net Amount for X3MG: kr 5,280.94
Collective balance
kr 5,250.00 SEK

Current Fiscal Host

Expense Fiscal Host
Open Collective Europe

Expense policies
Vi behandlar utbetalningar en gång i veckan efter att de har godkänts av administratören för kollektivet. Vi gör betalningar via bankgiro och banköverföring. Uppgifterna du lämnar i utgiftsformuläret är tillräckliga för utbetalningsprocessen.
Tänk på att din begäran måste innehålla ett giltigt skattedokument, till exempel ett kvitto på en återbetalning eller en faktura.

Om du vill ha återbetalning, maila [email protected] med transaktionsnummer, det kollektiv du gjort donationen till, datum och transaktionsbeloppet.


How do I get paid from a Collective?
Submit an expense and provide your payment information.
How are expenses approved?
Collective admins are notified when an expense is submitted, and they can approve or reject it.
Is my private data made public?
No. Only the expense amount and description are public. Attachments, payment info, emails and addresses are only visible to you and the admins.
When will I get paid?
Payments are processed by the Collective's Fiscal Host, the organization that hold funds on their behalf. Many Fiscal Hosts pay expenses weekly, but each one is different.
Why do you need my legal name?
The display name is public and the legal name is private, appearing on receipts, invoices, and other official documentation used for tax and accounting purposes.

Collective balance

kr 5,250.00 SEK

Fiscal Host:
