xyflow · React Flow · Svelte Flow
Building and maintaining flexible open source libraries for interactive node-based UIs.

Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
Recurring contribution
💫 React Flow Starter
With React Flow Starter, you get access to the code behind all of our Pro examples and prioritized bug reports and feature requests. You also keep ... Read more
€129 EUR / month
Recurring contribution
💎 React Flow Pro
With React Flow Pro, you get all of the benefits of Starter. In addition, you can have up to an hour of direct support from us (the React Flow team... Read more
€249 EUR / month

👋 Who we are
Hey! We’re Moritz, Christopher, John, Hayleigh, and Peter. We’re working full-time on developing and maintaining React Flow and Svelte Flow We love working on these libraries, and your support enables us to continue doing this.
🧶 React Flow
React Flow is a library to build node-based interfaces. Thousands of developers are using React Flow, and great companies like Stripe and LinkedIn have jumped on board. Of course, that means it takes time and effort to maintain and care for it, and we can’t do that without your support.
🌱 How you can support us
Are you using React Flow for a personal project? Great! You can best support the library by reporting any bugs you find, sending us screenshots of your projects, and starring us on Github 🌟
Are you using React Flow at your organization and making money from it? Awesome, and we rely on your support to keep React Flow developed and maintained under an MIT License, just how we like it. You can do that with one of our OpenCollective sponsor tiers or through our website.
🚦Activate your OpenCollective sponsorship
How to get your Starter or Pro account “activated” through OpenCollective
- Select the Starter or Pro tier and pay for it on OpenCollective (Thank you!! 😍)
- Create an account on the React Flow Pro website
- Send us a short email to [email protected] saying you have started an OpenCollective sponsorship
- We will activate your account, and you can log in to see your benefits and account details (e.g. prioritized bug reports, access to Pro examples, and/or individual support)