Flutter upgrades
Fiscal Host: Yarn.social
Upgrade the mobile codebase and bring Flutter up-to-date with the latest version of the framework.

Transparent and open finances.
Credit from Yarn.social to Flutter upgrades •
Added funds #759435
-$50.00 USD
~$79.54 AUD
Credit from Yarn.social to Flutter upgrades •
Added funds #755368
Today’s balance--.-- AUD
Total raised
$91.41 AUD
Total disbursed
$91.41 AUD
Estimated annual budget
$91.41 AUD

Problem: As the Flutter[1] framework changes all the time, there are often breaking changes and/or incompatible changes that require updating to new API. The Mobile App's codebase[2] will need to be upgraded to the latest version of Flutter.
Estimated effort: 5 hours.
Acceptance Criteria:Upon completion the following is expected to be completed and working:
Estimated effort: 5 hours.
Acceptance Criteria:Upon completion the following is expected to be completed and working:
- Can build the iOS bundle and install and run successfully on a recent iPhone or simulator.
- Can build the Android APK bundle and install and run successfully on a recent Android phone or simulator.
- There are no Flutter warnings or deprecated notices.
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