Open Collective
Open Collective

Zenbu UI

Host fee: 0%

Don't waste your time building a UI component. Zenbu UI is Unstyled, Styling with props, Accessible, and support the Dark Mode.


Become a financial contributor.

Financial Contributions

Backer 💙

Your name will be put on the Zenbu contributors page, and in the file in the Zenbu repository.

$5 USD / month
Bronze Sponsor 🥉

Your name and photos/logo (small) will be put on the Zenbu contributors page in in the Zenbu repository and on the homepage repository.

$20 USD / month
Silver Sponsor 🥈

Your name and photos/logo (medium) will be put on the Zenbu contributors page in in the Zenbu repository and on the homepage repository.

$50 USD / month
Gold Sponsor 🥇

Your name and photos/logo will be put on the Zenbu repository and on the website homepage

$100 USD / month
Custom contribution
Make a custom one-time or recurring contribution.

Zenbu UI is all of us

Our contributors 1

Thank you for supporting Zenbu UI.


The main mission of Zenbu UI is a provide the easiest way to build a website. Sometimes dealing with CSS waste your time, and it's not simple to use CSS for some people. Zenbu UI provides you the convenience of applying your design system without CSS, just using the props.

Maintaining and developing new features takes a considerable amount of time.

While your financial contributions will help the effort on the project, sponsors will be promoted in our docs and Github repo.

If you run a business that intends to use Zenbu UI in a revenue-generating product, or if you're a freelancer and Zenbu UI saves you time in your work, or you're just using it in a fun project, your contributions will help to make Zenbu better.

Our team