Open Collective
Open Collective

Grant #173245 to Plymouth Octopus (POP)

Plymouth People's Climate Summit 2nd Dec 2023

Grant #173245

Submitted by Malcolm TeagueApproved by Rowan Edwards

Nov 22, 2023

Request Details
Plymouth Hub for Climate Justice are working with collaboration partners for a Plymouth People's Climate Summit on 2nd Dec, and a wider programme of events around the time of COP 28.
The programme for 2nd December will be uploaded, along with the wider programme.
The expenses for the 2nd December are:
Flyer print 1 £120
Flyer print 2 | £?
Poster print | £70
Athenaeum booking | £270
Earth cafe food | £200
Music | £50
Poet | £ 20
Total | £730
This covers the publicity, community meal and a social evening at the end of the summit. We have found a little funding from local Trade Unions and Friends of the Earth but not enough for the whole programme. The £250 will help pay for the venue cost at Plymouth Athenaeum (2 rooms, 11am-6.30pm)
£250.00 GBP

Total amount £250.00 GBP

Additional Information


Plymouth Octopus (POP)@250-pop
£4,900.43 GBP

payout method

Open Collective

Expense created
Expense approved
Expense paid
Expense Amount: £250.00
Payment Processor Fee: £0.00
Net Amount for Plymouth Octopus (POP): £250.00
Expense marked as unpaid
Re-approval requested
Expense updated
Expense approved
Re-approval requested
Expense approved
Expense paid
Expense Amount: £250.00
Payment Processor Fee: £0.00
Net Amount for Plymouth Octopus (POP): £250.00
Collective balance
£4,900.43 GBP

Current Fiscal Host
The Social Change Nest

Expense policies
Expense Policy

  • You must be a POP member organisation with a turnover below £100,000 to apply for 250 a POP
  • Applications are made at
  • Applications must attach a bank statement corresponding to whichever account you would like your grant award to be paid into.

Decision Making
  • POP will decide which qualifying applications it will approve at a monthly online Zoom meeting. Decisions will be made by lottery.
  • Organisations that are successful in this lottery will have to wait 12 months before reapplying for the fund.
  • POP will only pay organisations that it has instructed to submit expenses on Open Collective.

Submitting an Expense:
  • Expense claims must include either a receipt for an expense raised in the past 6 months, or evidence of an expense to raise within the next calendar month. The evidence for future purposes will be a detailed explanation of will be purchased, together with an invoice or purchase order.

Open Collective Process
  • We aim to process expenses within a week. If an organisation that POP has instructed to submit an expense needs to be refunded more quickly, please get in touch via [email protected]

Expenses covered (non-exhaustive)
  • Individual support: Food, Prescriptions & medicine, Essential household items, Topping up utilities (eg. gas, electric, phone, water)
  • Volunteer transport & travel
  • Training
  • Equipment
  • Someone’s time
  • Limits/not covered
  • Up to £250 per claim


How do I get paid from a Collective?
Submit an expense and provide your payment information.
How are expenses approved?
Collective admins are notified when an expense is submitted, and they can approve or reject it.
Is my private data made public?
No. Only the expense amount and description are public. Attachments, payment info, emails and addresses are only visible to you and the admins.
When will I get paid?
Payments are processed by the Collective's Fiscal Host, the organization that hold funds on their behalf. Many Fiscal Hosts pay expenses weekly, but each one is different.
Why do you need my legal name?
The display name is public and the legal name is private, appearing on receipts, invoices, and other official documentation used for tax and accounting purposes.

Collective balance

£4,900.43 GBP