We make it free and easy for anyone to work together anytime, anywhere. We developed a cloud notebook editor to deliver better collaboration without the cost.
We are excited to announce that we won 1st place at HackIllinois 2021 by building an alpha version of our platform available for students at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign! You can read our devpost here:...
One of the biggest challenges, and one that we are acutely aware of now more than ever, is that it can be really hard to deliver the same learning experience remotely. One way that a lot of students got exposure to areas of CS is through workshops like the ones hundreds attended each year run by ADSA on campus. Those workshops would offer an opportunity for younger students to interact and work with their peers, following along with the presentation and seeing their code run before their own eyes. Unfortunately, the tools on the market for collaborating on code and running workshops are either built only for a handful of users or cost exorbitant amounts of money. Inspired by our experiences working directly with professors, hearing their frustrations with what's available to them today, and our experiences running workshops through ADSA, we aimed to build something better and to make it completely Open Source and free for individuals. We want students anywhere around the world to be able to join workshops with hundreds or thousands of their peers and learn in real-time. We want students to be able to follow along with the teacher during class and see for themselves how the code works. So we set out to make that a reality.