Open Collective
Open Collective

Agile Retreat

We organize community events around agile and how we can work better and more efficiently


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Financial Contributions

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Silver Sponsor

Supporting Agile Retreat is about supporting knowledge and experience sharing as well as networking and fun. If you find it valuable. This is your ... Read more

€500 EUR

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One-time contribution
Gold Sponsor

Make your company's name known to a diverse group of active participants as well as support the experience sharing in a relaxed environment where s... Read more

€1,000 EUR

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One-time contribution
Platinum Sponsor


Get the most out of your sponsorship be being the one and only platinum sponsor, helping the community to flourish at the same time. BENEFITS: Yo... Read more

€3,000 EUR

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Sharing knowledge and experience at a unique setting with people who want to evolve the way they ...

Top financial contributors


500 EUR since Aug 2023

Agile Retreat is all of us

Our contributors 4

Thank you for supporting Agile Retreat.


Silver Sponsor

€500 EUR


Transparent and open finances.

Today’s balance

€113.09 EUR

Total raised

€460.25 EUR

Total disbursed

€347.16 EUR

Estimated annual budget

--.-- EUR


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The Agile Greece Retreat is a notable event that brings together Agile enthusiasts, professionals, and curious minds in a collaborative and immersive setting. It serves as a platform for participants to deepen their understanding of Agile methodologies, share experiences, and foster a vibrant community of Agile practitioners.

The retreat typically spans a weekend and offers a variety of activities such as open space unconference sessions, workshops, discussions, and networking opportunities. These activities encourage active participation, allowing attendees to shape the agenda, contribute their ideas, and engage in meaningful conversations about all aspects of agility and human-centered work.

The Agile Greece Retreat is open to a wide range of professionals, including Agile Coaches, Scrum Masters, Product Owners, Developers, Managers in Agile organizations, and individuals from both IT and non-IT fields. This inclusivity promotes diverse perspectives, cross-industry learning, and the exploration of Agile practices beyond traditional software development.

The retreat is designed to provide a deep learning experience in a stimulating environment. Participants can expect to gain practical insights, learn from experienced practitioners, exchange ideas, and challenge their own thinking. The emphasis is on creating an atmosphere of collaboration, innovation, and continuous improvement.

Overall, the Agile Greece Retreat offers a unique opportunity for professionals to immerse themselves in the world of Agile, connect with a community of like-minded individuals, and enhance their Agile skills and knowledge. It is a valuable event for anyone seeking to further their understanding of agility and engage in meaningful conversations about its application in various contexts.

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