A Creative Incubation group for a small cohort for artists experiencing asynchrony due to chronic illness or neurodivergence to develop their creative dreamings
The vision for this project is still a process of emergence. We have at least four artist collaborators who are interested in participating and will be searching for 2-4 others as well.
Here are some writings and musings from Shante' Zenith about it:
We stand at the gateway to the liminal.
Tending the secret webbing between bodies.
We are weavers between worlds.
We feel what has been left behind
and we listen for the return.
We support the actual fabric of relational culture.
We are the medium of connection.
We tune the space between:
to maturation, to integrity, to the
sacred protection of what is whole.
There are those of us who are the weavers, carrying a creative pulse that is our form of expression on behalf of the wider field of life, but because of the irrationally difficult complexity of navigating sensitivity within systems of domination, these intrinsic visions are often partially or completely submerged. There is a part of us that is existing out of time, waiting for the right conditions in which to unfurl.
What support do you actually need to do what you came here to do?
This is the question I’ve been asking everyone.
Those of you incubating creative projects, those of you healing lineage trauma through your body, those of you dreaming possible worlds… Tell me your vision for support.
Really thinking about the whole webbing of contexts you exist inside of—what support would allow you to flourish?
What support do you think is impossible within capitalism but you secretly desire?
How would your body be nourished differently, your energetic field, your home life…what places in your creative process or healing journey are waiting for an influx of nourishment?
Where has the pain not been supported yet?
Where has there not been witnessing for the beauty?
What are the incomplete rituals?
Where are the places that a robust flow of resources would allow to open and unfurl?
Those of us who are ND/sensitive are often attuned to the unmetabolized pain in the relational field that gets exiled into sacrifice zones—places where we absorb pain or protect beauty—because there is not a relational context of ritual that would allow for the alchemy.
Concrete example would be stimming for ND folks like rocking or fidgeting as a way of moving relational field energies we are feeling as tension in our bodies—this is basic ritual tech for alchemical metabolizing through movement but it often gets shamed or shut down.
A huge difficulty in my life has been the sense of feeling other people’s energy fields in my body.
Systemic constellations, animist somatic practice, and training in energetic fields have all helped so much in understanding what was happening and beginning to learn what my permeability actually wanted from me instead of it just resulting in a debilitating overwhelm.
That’s the ritual consciousness piece in that so often it wants to acknowledge and include the pain that’s there, to allow it to express through my body as beauty.
Now a lot of my interactions are in contexts where I can actually guide the interaction and if I’m feeling big tension or pain in the field I can just invite us to meet it as a being, to call in support from the well ancestors and primordial presences.
Often the distorted pain energy will just want space and presence around it, room to breathe and be felt without need for contortion.
Sometimes it will just want to express through my body as sound. Sometimes there will be ritual actions like making offerings to nature beings or a spatial reorganizing to allow for a witnessing.
This kind of sensitivity is facilitative of so much alchemy and circulation on behalf of the ecosystem, it’s just so painful when we don’t have any context for it and then there is the double contortion of feeling forced to fit our bodies into to colonial contexts also.
A lot of the sensitivity that cause “problems” within consensus reality structures comes from this picking up of the wider material that colonial culture doesn’t want to look at because it doesn’t know how to meet it with ceremony.
The ritual context gives a way to weave it back in to relationship with wider relational field bodies of support, the tending of those sacred layers of reality across wider bodies of ancestors and ecosystems, contextualizing within a wider field of meaning and love that is completely flattened by dominant colonial capitalist reality.
The question I am always coming back to is where is the alchemy here? Where is the ceremony? What is the ritual consciousness that can actually be brought to the full contexts of this moment of daily life to feel how it is whole within the wider body of belonging?