Open Collective
Open Collective

Aleta Alston Toure'


Summer Project of the Parable of the Sower Intentional Community Cooperative



Transparent and open finances.

View all expenses  →

Assistant Manager Payment

from Aleta Alston Toure' to LandCorps
-$139.04 USD
-$100.00 USD

Administrative Assistant Expense

from Aleta Alston Toure' to LandCorps
-$300.00 USD
↑ Total contributed

--.-- USD

↓ Total received with expenses

$112,449.66 USD


Member of the Parable of the Sower Intentional Community Cooperative 

Recommendations for Giving Reparations to Parable of the Sower Intentional Community (POTS) Cooperative

Parable of the Sower IC Coop  is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Financial reparations to Parable of Sower IC Coop are tax-deductible charitable contributions.

Anti-Black racism is a public health crisis in the United States of America.  By promoting and providing loving healthcare options for Black Women and  their families by fighting against anti-Blackness, discrimination or violence, Parable of the Sower IC Coop is working to dismantle systemic anti-Black medical and environmental racism and the rigid nexus of white supremacy power that protects and sustains it. So many advances in the healthcare field result from the historic and present-day medical injustices perpetuated by the U.S. healthcare system against Black Women. Since our organization engages in healing and health work that is by Black Women and for Black Women to correct the injustices, we strongly encourage white individuals, families, organizations, congregations, businesses and foundations to give sustained/ongoing/recurring reparations to Parable of the Sower IC Cooperative. To make significant, positive impact in the lives of the Black Women health justice warriors in our organization and in the greater community, please read the following recommendations for giving reparations to Parable of the Sower Intentional Community Cooperative, and then GIVE:


  • Donate at least 10% of your income each month to Parable of the Sower IC Cooperative - to do so please click here. (Givebutter account)
  • To give reparations that exceed $100,000 please contact Cooperative Member Aleta Toure [email protected] or (707) 857-6455
  • Businesses, congregations/denominations, corporations, and foundations: calculate the total amount that you have donated to predominantly white events, schools, groups, organizations, etc. since the founding of your entity. Of the total, give at least 50% to Parable of the Sower Intentional Community Cooperative.