Open Source app with a flexible grid system that can be used for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC), Smart Home control, as webradio or YouTube player

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Financial Contributions
AsTeRICS Grid is all of us
Our contributors 2
Thank you for supporting AsTeRICS Grid.

AsTeRICS Grid is Open Source an can be used by anyone without costs.
The development of AsTeRICS Grid is funded by ongoing reasearch projects. See details about research projects.
The non-profit AsTeRICS Foundation pays for the running server costs. If you want to contribute to these costs, you're very welcome to donate. Please choose a donation option that is suitable to you in order to support us.
These are the most important features of AsTeRICS Grid:
- Cross platform: runs on PC, Smartphone, Tablet, Windows, Linux, Android, iOS
- Webapp, that can directly be used within the browser or also like an installed app
- All data on your device, or optionally synchronize configuration using the cloud (data is end-to-end encrypted)
- Very flexible grid system, layouts are completely customizable
- Text-to-speech in various languages
- Internationalization: grid sets can be translated to any language, the app is currently translated to 10+ languages, see project on Crowdin.
- Various input possibilities like Clicking, Tapping (on touchscreen), Hovering, Scanning, Keyboard, Buttons, and even more complex ones like Eye-Tracking, Head-Tracking or use of EMG muscle sensors (using the AsTeRICS Framework)
- Integrated search for free AAC symbols from ARASAAC and OpenSymbols
- Smart Home control: directly connect to openHAB or connect to KNX using the AsTeRICS Framework
- Flexible keyboard layouts with word prediction and self-learning dictionaries
- Play webradios (over 35000) using radio-browser.info
- Search and play YouTube videos
Our team

Transparent and open finances.
Credit from Emilia to AsTeRICS Grid •
Contribution #733252
Credit from Loreto Dumitrescu to AsTeRICS Grid •
Contribution #828206
Credit from Emilia to AsTeRICS Grid •
Contribution #733252
Today’s balance€41.36 EUR
Total raised
€41.36 EUR
Total disbursed
--.-- EUR
Estimated annual budget
€44.00 EUR