Athens Mutual Aid Network
Solidarity not charity by and for resilient communities in Northeast Georgia

We are not currently accepting new expenses unless they are submitted by someone who is within our networks.
Update 5/3/23: This grassroots community fund has been open for three years and has helped transition over $50,000 toward urgent community survival needs (In addition to over $30,000 AMAN helped distribute prior to moving to the OpenCollective platform). We're proud of what we've been able to do as a scraggly group of volunteers.
However- we need to pause all expenses for the time being so that we can evaluate the number of new rules from OpenCollective and update our processes. We will also use this time to transition the admin team and train new leaders.
We cannot confirm how long this process will take- thank you for your understanding and supporting us through this experiment in grassroots community resource redistribution.
As of July 8th, 2020, AMAN had redistributed over $31,500 of wealth in our community! At that point we moved from venmo to opencollective!
Athens Mutual Aid Network (AMAN) is a horizontal network of community members and local organizations that bonded together in the midst of the multiple health, economic, and political crises that were exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. We are immigrant rights, racial justice, LGBTQ+ organizations, unions, and political groups that stand in solidarity with the medically, economically, and socially vulnerable communities of Athens. By coordinating the sharing of resources and promoting communication between local advocacy organizations, AMAN strives to support our community by advancing equity and the dignity, agency, and well-being of its members.
- Submit a request: Make an Open Collective account if you don't already have one (upper right corner, click sign in then create an account). Come back to opencollective.com/athensmutualaidnetwork and submit a request (drop down menu upper right corner). Upload a copy, screenshot, or picture of the bill you need paid and your payment method (PayPal or bank account only) and submit your request! We can give up to $100 per household per month for as long as we have funds available for requests.
- Contact your Neighborhood Leader for non-monetary requests for aid, including diapers or food, SNAP or WIC assistance, resource connections for housing/rental assistance, education, or other needs.
- Donate!
- Email [email protected] to get involved
Our group's founding mission and principles of alignment are here in this open letter: http://bit.ly/athensmutualaidletter
After analyzing the use of Venmo to collect funds, the Athens Mutual Aid Network has decided to move to a fiscal sponsorship called Open Collective. First and foremost, Open Collective allows us to be democratic with the use of funds, allowing us to continue developing collective governance. We are able to be transparent with receiving and giving out funds. No one person holds or owns funds. With Venmo, there is a large tax liability for the person whose name is under the account, which means that we lose a cut of our donations to the federal government via taxes, but all that burden falls on one person. With Open Collective, they take a small cut up front to pay their staff and to keep their secure servers running so that our transactions are safe, taxes are filed correctly, and so that we keep everyone secure in their interactions with us. We will be able to refrain from becoming a 501(c)3 non-profit, so we can keep the flexibility and fluidity of our grassroots network.
After analyzing the use of Venmo to collect funds, the Athens Mutual Aid Network has decided to move to a fiscal sponsorship called Open Collective. First and foremost, Open Collective allows us to be democratic with the use of funds, allowing us to continue developing collective governance. We are able to be transparent with receiving and giving out funds. No one person holds or owns funds. With Venmo, there is a large tax liability for the person whose name is under the account, which means that we lose a cut of our donations to the federal government via taxes, but all that burden falls on one person. With Open Collective, they take a small cut up front to pay their staff and to keep their secure servers running so that our transactions are safe, taxes are filed correctly, and so that we keep everyone secure in their interactions with us. We will be able to refrain from becoming a 501(c)3 non-profit, so we can keep the flexibility and fluidity of our grassroots network.


Transparent and open finances.
Fund Disbursement
Divested (fund disbursement)
from OUT for Sustainability to Athens Mutual Aid Network •
-$4,312.20 USD
Balance transfer
Balance transfer
Today’s balance--.-- USD
Total raised
$59,778.01 USD
Total disbursed
$59,778.01 USD
Estimated annual budget
--.-- USD

Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from Athens Mutual Aid Network
Updates on our activities and progress.
This grassroots community fund has been open for three years and has helped transition over $50,000 toward urgent community survival needs. We're proud of what we've been able to do as a scraggly group of volunteers. However- we need to st...
Published on May 3, 2023 by Vanessa Raditz
Cash Assistance Program - We Got Our Block
Hello everyone! I hope you have all been fully supported by our community during the past year and have found ways to thrive despite the challenges we have faced. I know it has been awhile since we've updated but, rest assured, the work of...
Published on June 1, 2021 by Coral Rogers
Eviction Defense & Rent Support Team
Housing Justice Support Needed!At our weekly AMAN meeting yesterday, we counted that we have been contact about rent from OVER 40 FAMILIES. This is an overwhelming amount of need right now, and we recognize that at this point, we will no lo...
Published on June 29, 2020 by Vanessa Raditz