Open Collective
Open Collective


Laravel Vue headless CMS / admin panel / dashboard / builder / API CRUD generator, anything !


Become a financial contributor.

Financial Contributions

Custom contribution
Make a custom one-time or recurring contribution.

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Recurring contribution
Bronze backer

Join us for $5.00 per month and support us

$5 USD / month

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Recurring contribution
Silver backer

Join us for $10.00 per month and support us

$10 USD / month

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Recurring contribution
Gold backer

Join us for $20.00 per month and support us

$20 USD / month

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Bronze sponsor

Join us for $100.00 per month and support us

$100 USD / month

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Silver sponsor

Join us for $250.00 per month and support us

$250 USD / month

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Gold sponsor

Join us for $500.00 per month and support us

$500 USD / month

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Recurring contribution
Platinum Sponsors

Join us for $2,000.00 per month and support us

$2,000 USD / month

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Recurring contribution
Diamond Sponsors

Join us for $5,000.00 per month and support us

$5,000 USD / month

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Top financial contributors


$265 USD since Aug 2021

Rizki Heryandi

$105 USD since Mar 2021

Abdullah Ibnu Hibban

$5 USD since Feb 2022


$3 USD since May 2022

Badaso is all of us

Our contributors 8

Thank you for supporting Badaso.

Rizki Heryandi


$105 USD

Badaso will help developers focus on the busine...


Core Contributor

Danny Atthaya

Core Contributor

Rahmat Almubarak

Core Contributor


Core Contributor


Bronze backer

$265 USD

Abdullah Ibnu...

Bronze backer

$5 USD


$3 USD


Transparent and open finances.

Contribution #510682
Contribution #510682
Contribution #510682
Today’s balance

$253.14 USD

Total raised

$303.96 USD

Total disbursed

$50.82 USD

Estimated annual budget

$8.96 USD


Let’s get the ball rolling!

News from Badaso

Updates on our activities and progress.


Let’s get the discussion going! This is a space for the community to converse, ask questions, say thank you, and get things done together.

Development Q & A

Published on April 20, 2021 by Rizki Heryandi

You can ask anything about Badaso development here.


Why badaso ?

  • 100% FREE - No need extra thinking about finance to adopt badaso
  • Modern PWA Dashboard - Fast and SPA based on Vue.js with PWA technology
  • Native installation - Lazy to open browser ? Install badaso on Windows, Linux, MacOS, Android & iOS
  • Working offline - No more f*cked with bad internet connection, badaso can running offline
  • Headless - Badaso use JWT authentication & authorization as default
  • Seamless integration - Badaso use Rest API & GraphQL, no need develop API for your mobile & IoT
  • Modern design - Keep your system design amazing and up to date
  • Secure - Build based on laravel make it secure as laravel
  • Modular - Install custom library in seconds like another your laravel projects
  • Scalable - Like your another laravel projects
  • Easy maintenance - Like your another laravel projects
  • Long time support - Great choice for your long-term project, maintain by uasoft

Badaso features

  • Advanced CRUD generator - Build your application faster and be more productive
  • API generator - Integrate your application (mobile, desktop even IoT) through Rest API & GraphQL
  • User management - Manage your application user
  • Role management - Your application user can has different role
  • Permission management - Each of role has different access permission
  • Menu management - Manage your application menu so easy and faster
  • Database management - Handle your database migration via application
  • Activity logging - Keep your system safe, know who makes the trouble
  • Log UI viewer - Don't need open your server to check the log, stay on your application
  • Daily database backup - Keep your valuable database safety
  • Media manager - Manage your local & cloud media via application
  • Many more !

Our team

Rizki Heryandi

Badaso will help developers focus on the busine...


Core Contributor

Danny Atthaya

Core Contributor

Rahmat Almubarak

Core Contributor


Core Contributor