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Financial Contributions
Top financial contributors
Shane Sveller
$460 USD since Jul 2020
Robin Mattheussen
$205 USD since Dec 2019
Praveen Perera
$5 USD since Oct 2020
Bastion Project is all of us
Our contributors 5
Thank you for supporting Bastion Project.
Bastion Proje...
Shane Sveller
$460 USD
Robin Mattheu...
$205 USD
Praveen Perera
$5 USD

Transparent and open finances.
Contribution #86859
Contribution #86859
Contribution #86859
Today’s balance$524.38 USD
Total raised
$554.84 USD
Total disbursed
$30.46 USD
Estimated annual budget
$30.00 USD

What is Bastion?
Bastion is a fault-tolerant runtime which is designed for recovering from faults based on the supervision strategies that you've passed. It is designed to provide persistent runtime for applications which need to be highly-available.
Why Bastion?
If one of the questions below answered with yes, then Bastion is just for you:
- Do I need fault-tolerancy in my project?
- Do I hate to implement weird Actor traits?
- I shouldn't need a webserver to run an actor system, right?
- Do I want to make my existing code unbreakable?
- Do I have some trust issues against orchestration systems? Because I want to implement my own application lifecycle.
- Message-based communication makes this project a lean mesh of actor system.
- without web servers, weird shenanigans, forced trait implementations, and static dispatch.
- Runtime fault-tolerance makes it a good candidate for small scale distributed system code.
- If you want to smell of Erlang and it's powerful aspects in Rust. That's it!
- Supervision makes it easy to manage lifecycles.
- Kill your application in certain condition or restart you subprocesses whenever a certain condition met. All up to you. And it should be up to you.
Our team
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