Open Collective
Open Collective


A network of bike-friendly people working with cyclist communities and local partners to secure bikes against thefts. BIKEYS is an innovative platform based in Europe offering a collaborative services dedicated to cyclists.


Become a financial contributor.

Financial Contributions

Recurring contribution

Become a backer for €5.00 per month and support us

Starts at
€5 EUR / month

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Recurring contribution

Become a sponsor for €100.00 per month and support us

Starts at
€100 EUR / month

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Top financial contributors

Ming Phung

500 EUR since Nov 2021

BIKEYS is all of us

Our contributors 3

Thank you for supporting BIKEYS.

Ming Phung


€500 EUR


Core Contributor


Transparent and open finances.

Credit from Ming Phung to BIKEYS

Contribution #523238

IT Design Work

from Krystyna to BIKEYS
-€120.00 EUR
Invoice #65824

IT Preliminary Works

from Krystyna to BIKEYS
-€255.00 EUR
Invoice #56254
Today’s balance

€462.75 EUR

Total raised

€462.75 EUR

Total disbursed

--.-- EUR

Estimated annual budget

--.-- EUR


Our mission is to contribute to a better and safer society focusing on global interest, social cohesion and impacting actions to serve every cyclists.

Throughout our preventive campaigns and recovering actions, we work hard each day to deliver a solution-oriented assistance to support our members whenever they need.

Preventive Actions
Supporting local and regional initiatives, with a focus on public campaigns promoting bike safety.

Social Engagement
Examining and filling specific demands to boost the access of affordable efficient bike accessories to low-income citizens.

Support Funding
Evaluating and granting philanthropic assistance and compensations to help bike theft and vandalism victims. 
Bike riders on a daily basis, we are passionate with cycling, innovation and entrepreneurship. We appreciate and value the sense of freedom, justice and respect. Fully loyal and committed, our experienced teams provide the best suitable solutions to protect all the bikes of our community. 

Our team


Core Contributor