Online Diversity Training has been archived.
Online Diversity Training has been archived and is no longer active.
Online Diversity Training
Part of: Capacity+ Project
To develop an online transformative course covering power and equity in permaculture.

Transparent and open finances.
Balance transfer
-£407.00 GBP
Today’s balance--.-- GBP
Total raised
£9,657.00 GBP
Total disbursed
£9,657.00 GBP
Estimated annual budget
--.-- GBP

Project description
To develop an online transformative course covering power and equity in permaculture.
This course will have two aims:
- to provide a shared language and understanding across all of our associated networks, reducing inequitable power, increasing understanding and generating real change / culture shift!
- to empower and share the skills of marginalised and experienced facilitators teaching others about power, through facilitator-led pods, generating revenue for Colab members.
As an online course this can be taken in self-study format lowering the barriers for people taking the course. The course could also optionally be taught by an experienced teacher, offering a more in-depth learning experience, potentially in a blended format.
Reasons for funding granted through C+
This course will benefit CoLab members both who identify as marginalised, through a platform which invites paid work, and all members who want to increase their literacy about systemic power imbalance.
In order for the CoLab to become a truly international network/organisation, equitable engagement needs to be at the core of the project.
Additionally it will benefit the wider network of permaculture practitioners and facilitators, as well as supporting wider societal change.
Stage 1 – Bring people in and develop training on Learning Management System (LMS), increasing visibility of people doing this work already.
Stage 2 – People take part in the training. Through completion of the training we hope to build awareness and begin changing systems of oppression whilst developing paid and unpaid opportunities.
This training will be free to all Colab and PAB members, allowing it to generate considerable feedback and be improved by our networks, whilst strengthening the networks and promoting membership to CoLab and PAB.
This proposal is supported by the following of CoLab aims, after each aim an explanation is given as to how the proposal hopes to maximise on this aim:
To provide a collaborative, convivial virtual space and multilingual communication platforms for permaculture networks and allies around the world.
By offering an open access course, free to members available online, anytime. This course will draw on the existing knowledge of many networks and allies working in this area. Many of those mentioned in this document are already working on and producing change making documents and resources to tackle inequities and power in permaculture and wider society. It will be a case of bringing together al these people and resources in a easy to digest and engaging way, rather than heavily investing in producing new content.
To provide information about the current state and extent of permaculture thinking and practice and its strategic context through resources (documentation of training and learning resources, information, tools, platforms, etc.) that nurture existing local, regional, and global permaculture initiatives.
To research, explore, recommend and implement organisational structures and processes suited to complex multi-layered, oppression-free, diverse, and inclusive interactions.
This training will be investing in any members that come to CoLab in the future, and any permaculture person within our network. It is important to point out that equity understanding has changed in the past year and it is an important time to keep members abreast of language changes, cultural shifts and support them in changing power dynamics. It will draw on the research of those mentioned in this document.
It has much wider reaching training aims than other training provided in the past.
Course framing around :
- People care – not enough literacy around how we do people care (eg volunteering)
- Fair Share and distribution of power – what do we mean around fair share in social environments?
- Two fold – the people with power and the people with less power. Help everyone recognise it (recognise signs of vulnerability in yourself, give vocabulary to talk about it to prevent harm, give tools and accountability, who to reach out to)
- Language is key – shared language = shared understanding
- Collective responsibility – make it accessible for those that want to take it and those we think should take it – focus on action and changes that we can all make.
- Centering Identity -covering permaqueers work.
Inclusive Equitable Education
This course will be a first for CoLab members in that the barriers for taking the training will be greatly reduced to just the time it takes in one’s schedule. Previously trainings run by outside organisations have been part or wholly funded by Capacity+ money. This will be an ‘evergreen’ training resource which can be improved on over time to make sure it is up to date and always relevant.
This course will be a first for CoLab members in that the barriers for taking the training will be greatly reduced to just the time it takes in one’s schedule. Previously trainings run by outside organisations have been part or wholly funded by Capacity+ money. This will be an ‘evergreen’ training resource which can be improved on over time to make sure it is up to date and always relevant.
To produce documentation for the process of CoLab development, to actively learn and unlearn organisational development processes suited to complex multi-layered networks that support people working effectively together.
Course framing around:
- Accountability – who is accountable, how can we hold people accountable in our distributed and grass roots networks? everyone has learning to do!
- Fair Share and distribution of power – what do we mean around fair share in social environments?
To provide means of support for new eco-social enterprises, projects and initiatives that address identified challenges and/or add value to permaculture networks.
Adding Value:
It can bring in more voices to the movement-building work of permaculture; to share about the different organisational responses and integration e.g. curriculum changes, conversations on podcasts with Dan palmer, Candida’s podcast in Portugal – inviting more people to lead and building a cultural foundation for diversity. Asking questions such as - What would you like to see change? How can we change dynamics of power? How do we embody people care? Where is it difficult?
Signposting to existing work - Create noise that leads to the work of other groups ie black permaculture network, Luiza’s work. Signposting is key - Paula’s doc with the recommendations / Jemma’s recommendations for cultural meeting standards / expectations / governance models etc.
Income generation / eco-social enterprise opportunities:
- For companies, businesses and those with funding – ask for small fee for groups to take this course together to pay the facilitator and a fee to CoLab (to cover hosting fees and maintenance) and other allied networks as determined useful to the course.
- Teacher / facilitator-led paid groups.
- Developing micro enterprise element to continue this work – facilitation to provide the training (teacher led) with small learning groups or ‘pods’.
- Focus on marginalised or BIPOC teachers & facilitators / or those with lots of proven knowledge around these issues. Must have training in equity power and inclusion, but any member coming to CoLab with a strong understanding of equity, with a focus on lived experienced could generate income by teaching this course, once they had completed it.
- Pod learning : Supporting groups of learners to ask ‘How am I perpetuating the issues?’ They could be from 1 organisation, or one LAND centre team for example, supporting blended learning. Set up pods / guilds / small groups for sharing - any pod could join at any time. Set your own time limit to complete.
- Option to not have a pod and do self study unpaid.
To identify and/or vet allied networks to collaborate with to enhance our collective work.
CoLab has struggled with active members base – so it should do more work it is passionate about. This work will draw on multiple other projects, connections and diverse sources of information leading to greater allies and more publicity. Many areas of work (translation circle, digital circle, welcoming circle, communications work) could feed into this. Additionally this is an important time for equity knowledge, after a challenging year which has highlighted inequities – this will enhance CoLabs work.
To produce widespread understanding of the Permaculture CoLab and its products and services.
All CoLab members and PAB members get free access to this course on the self study option. For facilitator led - costs will be incurred (to determine after testing) so to pay the facilitator long term, and to generate income for Colab as well as pay platform costs.
If a PAB member, the course will have a section introducing the CoLab and pointing learners towards joining the CoLab and other allied networks. Reverse if a CoLab member.
Research, design, and develop tools and processes for adding creativity and diversity to CoLab activities and recommended processes.
Translation – questions over funding for these though it would be a goal of the proposal / course long term. The fee raised for CoLab can be used to pay for services by Digital circle and Translation circle.
Opportunities beyond this proposal
Potentially this project could develop a forum in the future - Where can people go for conversations around accountability / safety? Help create a platform for this conversations and similar conversations within permaculture.
Working on a pledge that permaculture organisations, groups, and allies can sign which commits us to the ongoing work of dismantling harmful structures.
The project team has committed to deliver:
A course covering power and equity, from a permaculture focused perspective:
Course Structure:
- Re framing Power Module
- Anti-Racism Module
- Decolonization Module
- Gender Roles and Sexism Module
- Queer Permaculture Module
- Accountability
- Safety when volunteering / vulnerability Module (including online.. burnout prevention? Care labour etc? … discuss Rights & how to assert them)
- Changing our PDC curriculum in light of equity Module
- Action / Next Steps module – including signing up at CoLab and other allied networks
Opportunities created for facilitators to hold small groups of learners through this training, complemented with coaching/consulting/evaluation for working groups.
Options for blended learning, self study online, or pods online.
Creating values:
CoLab members, Permaculture community and allied networks will benefit from the content of this course, with increased understanding – greater understanding leading to greater cooperation and more solidarity, justice, equity, diversity and inclusion.
Facilitators who are marginalised will benefit from being paid to lead, as well as being recognised in a wider setting as leaders in this topic, being paid fairly for their work.
CoLab (and PAB) will benefit as a leader in JEDI work (justice, equity, diversity and inclusion)
Educators and teachers will benefit from continuous professional development (CPD)
Permaculture community will benefit from greater understanding of what People Care and Fair Shares means now after this year; fostering a culture of accountability and designing safety measures for people who are learning, practising, and impacted by the permaculture movement.
Delivery method:
Jemma (Permaculture Association Britain) working unfunded as part of PAB hours, will work with Naomi (Training Coodinator for C+) and Paula to Identify those that are interested in this piece of work and are available.
Put together the educators team to work on the content.
Calculate amount of time to develop each ‘module’ and make minimum viable product for each ‘module’ area, Jemma / Paula can co-create with these members.
Create minimum viable product on PAB Course Craft or CoLab LearnDash depending on which is ready first.
Test with CoLab member pods – using facilitators involved in developing training initially. The first CoLab pod can go on to teach this to others and will act as the testers. This can draw from Training budget line.
Naomi will be available to advise on integrating competency evaluation/recognition frameworks; Open Badges or other certification methods available in CoLab’s training system, and working with complimentary currencies.
As this is a minimum viable product approach working across multiple timezones, we will aim to get the first draft up and ready as soon as is viable, but no clear timeline is set for this work. All suggested as working on this project will be part time, and work will be inclusive of their needs. There is a need for this work however, and the Education Role will ensure that it work happens efficiently. Aim for live testing product by end of 2022.
Resources granted:
Requesting PAB’s input through education lead, and using all educational resources developed over the past year for anti-racism, equity and inclusion work, including Education Lead’s time, with no cost to this proposal.
Use E3 facilitation training budget £1400 for trainers within CoLab to learn to teach this course and teach others in first trial of Stage 1 – will pay X CoLab members attendance on the course, and two teachers co-facilitating the group through their learning, plus collecting reflections, feedback and learning after.
Use E2 Diversity Training - £1125 for paying content writers including Paula, £200 per day rate = 5.6 days of work, to create, interview and organise this work, plus learning from the feedback pilot and initiating any changes.
We will encourage / incentivize learners to form pods... potentially non-professional 'microsolidarity' groups can do self-directed learning for free, but we will ask professionals to pay according to business size.
Once the course is up, Y3's diversity training budget could be used for coaching in pccolab working groups to happen in tandem with the training (this might encourage other teams to work under pccolab umbrella to access subsidies in the coaching/training.
Use E18 Diversity Stipends £6660 to engage those in network to engage with CoLab and this training
£300 day rate for each person = 22 days of work, per person that is a maximum of 3.6 days work each, but this is flexible depending on how much work each person can give. Once the group have consented to joining the project, they can decide how best to allocate the funds among themselves (which will be transparent prior to deciding whether to join the project).
E14 - 550 EUR circa - A MVP would be built on Coursecraft exsiting platform, to limit work, however to create on Learn dash (better functionality, and greater potential for forums, pod interactivity and translation etc) we would need a 1-year LearnDash single site licence is $159, plus setup and configuration. Around 8 hours setup @ say 25EUR/hour = 200EUR. Then some further admin hours allocated to onboard/assist any course development team, perhaps up to around another 8 hours / 200EUR. So total around 550 EUR or thereabouts. This will not be covered in entirely by E14, but we could aim to get as much completed as possible in tandem with other CoLab projects.
Surplus / Shortfalls
Needs other funding for developing subtitles and accessibility for the training, maintaining the course and replying to comments – ideas welcome. Potentially some of this work could be paid CoLab or PAB hours.
Any remaining funding should be used for monitoring and evaluation, and ensuring the ongoing usefulness and updates of this course.
Contributors to bill monthly for their hours, to ensure that the project is equitable in its remuneration of peoples work committed. However if those involved agreed and it wasn't detrimental to their circumstances, contributors could also bill at the end of their work.
Report to CoLab pilot group upon completion of the trial pod
Report to PAB and Colab capacity plus team members through Education lead role - Jemma