Castle Game Engine
Cross-platform (desktop, mobile, console, web) 3D and 2D game engine. Powerful visual editor. Support for glTF, X3D, IFC, Spine and more. Fast clean code using modern Pascal. Free and open-source.

Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
Thank you for supporting the development of the engine! The engine, documentation, over 100 examples, view3dscene, forum, Discord chat and more are... Read more
In addition to the benefits from previous tiers, you are invited to a monthly meeting scheduled by Michalis only for sponsors on this tier. Please ... Read more
Top financial contributors
$3,173.9 USD since Oct 2024
$1,072 USD since Feb 2025
$85.67 USD since Oct 2020
$67 USD since Oct 2021
$20 USD since Mar 2025
Castle Game Engine is all of us
Our contributors 6
Thank you for supporting Castle Game Engine.
Michalis Kamb...
Sorpetaler Pr...
$3,174 USD
$1,072 USD
GitHub Sponsors
$86 USD
$67 USD
Christian Wil...
$20 USD

Transparent and open finances.
Business travel to meet with prospective sponsor
Web Cam (for recording materials about the engine on https://www.youtube.com/@CastleGameEngine etc.)
$2,265.44 USD
$3,970.62 USD
$1,705.18 USD
$4,276.90 USD

Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from Castle Game Engine
Updates on our activities and progress.
DONE: 2024, TODO: 2025 (web, packages, IFC…)
Castle Game Engine 7.0-alpha.3 release: physics, blending, batching, shadows, Delphi (packages, Linux), UI masks, lots of editor UX, Android, iOS work, float textures, VS Code, Sketchfab, more…

Your donations fund actual work on the engine. Right now we finance the time of Andrzej Kilijański so he can work on new engine features.
Engine features include:
- We support a lot of 3D and 2D formats (glTF, X3D, Spine JSON, sprite sheets...). You can export to them from almost any 3D or 2D authoring software.
- We are portable to a lot of platforms - desktop (Windows, Linux, macOS...), mobile (Android, iOS), console (Nintendo Switch), Raspberry Pi.
- We have a lot of cool graphic effects. Physically-based rendering, shadows, mirrors, bump mapping, shader effects, gamma correction...
- We have a visual editor to manage your projects and design user interfaces and game layouts. Underneath a command-line build tool can be used to cross-compile and package the projects in batch mode.
- We are using Object Pascal, a modern Pascal dialect, with classes, generics etc. We have a Modern Object Pascal Introduction for Programmers so you can learn everything you need. We allow using FPC or Delphi as a compiler, and pretty much anything (like Lazarus or Delphi or Visual Studio Code) as an IDE.
- We are also making view3dscene, which is a viewer for all the model formats we support. It is perfectly usable on it's own, as a browser for interactive 3D worlds created in glTF, X3D and other formats.
Our team
Michalis Kamb...