Police Station Meal Delivery for Asylum Seekers has been archived.
Police Station Meal Delivery for Asylum Seekers has been archived and is no longer active.
Police Station Meal Delivery for Asylum Seekers
PLEASE READ: This a project to support volunteers who deliver meals from Chefs to police stations for new neighbors seeking asylum. There are limited funds so before submitting an expense please follow these instructions in the About section below

Transparent and open finances.
Contribution #713484
-$337.50 USD
-$87.50 USD
Today’s balance--.-- USD
Total raised
$2,000.00 USD
Total disbursed
$2,000.00 USD
Estimated annual budget
--.-- USD

PLEASE READ: This is a project to support volunteers who deliver meals from Chefs to police stations for new neighbors seeking asylum. There are limited funds, so before submitting an expense please follow these instructions or your request will not be approved:
If you are submitting an expense for the use of a delivery service, such as Uber package delivery or a local messenger, please submit your expense as a reimbursement under "ACTIONS" above. When submitting the expense, include which district(s) were delvered to. You may submit up to ten (10) expenses at one time. Reciepts or app screencaps proving payment are required. Please keep your reciepts!
If you are seeking a stipend for delivering meals using your personal vehicle, please complete this form before submitting any expense: https://forms.gle/AVPpiA6Pn94Vvz8X6
Once you complete the form, you will be contacted to submit an expense on this page.
If you are submitting an expense for the use of a delivery service, such as Uber package delivery or a local messenger, please submit your expense as a reimbursement under "ACTIONS" above. When submitting the expense, include which district(s) were delvered to. You may submit up to ten (10) expenses at one time. Reciepts or app screencaps proving payment are required. Please keep your reciepts!
If you are seeking a stipend for delivering meals using your personal vehicle, please complete this form before submitting any expense: https://forms.gle/AVPpiA6Pn94Vvz8X6
Once you complete the form, you will be contacted to submit an expense on this page.